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我们那儿是个小县份。Ours is a small county.

曲阜是个作为孔子的诞生地而闻名于世的县份。Qufu is a county known as the birth place of Confucius.

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并列出了城市所在的主要县份。Except for Sherrill, the cities are distinct from towns.

攻击是在一个有望恢复正常生活的县份发生的。The attack was in a part of the country where it had been hoped signs of normal life were returning.

靖远,中国西部一个文明古老的县份,黄河上游一方生机蓬勃的土地。Jingyuan, China's ancient civilization, a western counties, the upper reaches of the Yellow River side of the vibrant land.

是曾祖母娘家人,在江苏北部一个小县份的乡下住着。She was someone from my great-grandmother's side of the family, and lived in the country in a small county in northern Jiangsu.

迫使作为重要农业县份的福岛无数村庄迁移。因为当地的农产品受到核辐射。That prompted evacuations of numerous villages in Fukushima prefecture, a primarily agricultural area, where crops were irradiated.

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山西是全国严重缺水的省份之一,而左云县又是山西省最缺水的县份之一。Shanxi province is one of the furthest water-lacked provinces, and Zuyun county is one of the furthest water-lacked county in Shanxi.

西汉以来就是山西北部的一个重要县份,也是太原通向塞外的交通枢纽。Since the Western Han Dynasty in northern Shanxi Province is an important county is also leading to formation of Taiyuan, transport hub.

嘉兴郡城附近县份的太平天国当局受李秀成地方建设新思维与北邻苏福省农村政治的影响,基本能够在良性政治轨道上施政。Taiping's rural politics at Jiaxing prefecture were applied soundly under the influence of Li Xiu-cheng's new idea of local construction and the rural politics of Sufu province.

河南是漕运负担大省,由于各地交通状况不一,交通便利的县份便代交通不便的县份代纳漕粮,同时获得一定的经济补偿,此之谓“代替”。Henna province had to hand in parts of grain in that time and some counties substituted parts of grain burden for other counties just because they were convenient in communication.

与纽约市直接接壤的拿骚县市美国最富裕的县份之一,其失业率远远低于全国平均水平。Nassau County — the part of Long Island that directly abuts New York City — is one of the wealthiest counties in America and has an unemployment rate well below the national average.