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我是个专注的步行者。I'm a keen walker.

专注于每一口。Focus on each mouthful.

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它将会帮你变得专注。It will help you refocus.

专注于讲好故事。Focus on telling the story.

或者说,我们是否专注于优点?Or do we focus on strength?

然后专注于下一个目标。Then focus on the next goal.

吃饭的时候就应该专注吃饭。When you eat, you should eat.

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“专注”对吉格斯来说至关重要。Focus is a big word for Giggs.

克莱尔又专注于画她的画了。Clare goes back to her drawing.

看她的眼神无比专注。See her eyes incomparably focus.

其中之一就是线程专注。One of them is thread engrossment.

所以它非常专注于科技。So it's actually very tech-focused.

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今天,我们专注于理性化。Today, we focus on rationalization.

专注于交付他们所重视的。Focus on delivering what they value.

表现你的专注,看着我。Show your attentiveness. Look at me.

专注于作事本身,不用在乎感觉Focus on doing good, not feeling good

我们必须做的就是专注于这次比赛。All we must do is focus on this match.

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专注能增进脑力。Concentration can increase brainpower.

当地重量级的人物专注地倾听。Local heavyweights listen attentively.

我们的专注——有时候过犹不及。We're dedicated--sometimes to a fault.