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这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价?Are those prices FOB or CIF ?

你们所有价格都是成本加运费保险费价格。All your prices are on C.I.F. basis.

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你们全数代价都是本钱加运费安全费代价。All your prices are on C. I. F. basis.

你们价格都是成本加运费保险费价格吗?Are all your prices on C. I. F. basis?

我们要收取运费和处理费吗?Do we charge for shipping and handling?

运费包括在账内。The freight is included in the account.

我们宁愿你方在成本加运费的基础上向我方报盘。We prefer to have your offers on CFR terms.

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让我先称称它的质量。运费是14美元。Let me weight it first. That'll be 14 dollars.

此价格不包含运费和处理费。The price does not include shipping and handling.

上批谷物的轮船运费是多少?What is the freight on the last shipment of grain?

货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。We have been able to transship cargoes at Hong Kong.

但运费也需要你方来出的。But the shipping costs also need to come out of your.

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以上报价均未税、未含运费。The above price is without tax or transportation fee.

2009年起海洋运费呈现积极态势。Ocean freight rates started 2009 with a positive tone.

你了解该笔交易是在成本加运费的基础上达成的。As you know, the transaction is concluded on CFR basis.

我们只负责到上海的运费费用和进仓费用,其他费用不承担。We would like to bear the freight and warehousing fees.

这个价格包括运费和安装费吗?Does the price include delivery and installation charge ?

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多表查询计算运费,在线等待!Multi-table query calculate shipping costs, online waiting!

对离岸价格及成本加运费价格条件的卖货,保险由买方办理。For FOB and C&F sales, insurance is to be covered by buyers.

国际运费一律由买家支付。The cost of overseas freight are defrayed by the purchasers.