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当忆酷夏兮,鸡尾酒会欢娱。Hot summer. Cheerful Cocktail.

是的,我知道你们的欢娱与惆怅。Ay, I knew your joy and your pain.

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我的锦食欢娱,也只是一碟惆怅。My feast of joy is but a dish of pain.

用波折绑缚着我的欢娱和欲望。And binding with briars my joys & desires.

我因在你的怀中而欢娱。I because of in yours bosom but enjoyment.

我们尽情欢娱。We disported ourselves to our heart's content.

要是你找到了这样一位伴侣,你的人生就完备了,充塞了欢娱。And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete.

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不过,每天早晨穿衣服还是制造了一点小小的欢娱。Still it makes for a bit of hilarity in the tent every morning.

为了爱情,无钱结婚,夜来欢娱,白天悔恨。Who marrieth for love without money, hath good nights and sorry days.

并非欢娱令我们感恩,而是怀抱感恩令我们愉悦。It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratitude that makes us happy.

他花钱如水,以求满足兴奋和欢娱的欲望。He spent a lot of money in satisfying the appetite for excitement and amusement.

很多杂货店都卖有宠物美食,让主人讨得他们宠物的欢娱。Many grocery stores sell gourmet pet foods to owners eager to please their pets.

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在经历了欢娱的2009年后,中国的房地产开发商正准备回到现实中来。After a rollicking 2009, China's property developers are preparing for a return to earth.

小姑娘的父亲,对未来不报任何希望,每天沉迷于自己肉体的欢娱。The father has no any hopes for the future and only indulges himself in fleshly pleasures.

赏月的风俗来源于祭月,严肃的祭祀变成了轻松的欢娱。The custom of scholars to celebrate the moon festival from months, serious joyous ritual became easy.

缪你使我第一次懂得了思恋的滋味,第一次懂得了全身心的骚动和欢娱。You gave me my first learned that love the taste, first understand the heart of excitement and pleasure.

冲一盏茶,看卷曲的茶叶在水中慢慢展开生机,和着清澈的水一起欢娱。Infuse a cup of tea, to see the curly tea leaf slowly spread out vitality, delight the same with the clear water.

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假如它是片刻的欢娱,它将在喜笑中开花,你立即就会看到、懂得了。If it were only a moment of pleasure it would flower in an easy smile, and you could see it and read it in a moment.

假如它是片刻的欢娱,它将在喜笑中开花,你就会立刻看到,立刻懂得了。If it were only a moment of pleasure, it would flower in an easy smile, and you could see it and read it in a moment.

她的传承记载着人民的苦难和欢娱,也反映着人民对邪恶的抗争和对美好的求索。She recorded the distress and joys of the peoples, also reflecting the people's aggro to the improbity and pursuit of truth.