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这是我们的命根子。That is our lifeline.

这话仿佛一拳打中了他的命根子。These words hit at the core of him.

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这男孩是他父母的命根子。The boy is the lifeblood of his parents.

热情是创新的命根子。Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of creativity.

枪可是我们军人的命根子啊!The life-giver son of gun but our soldier!

但信贷的确是汽车产业的命根子。But credit is the lifeblood of the car business.

如果网上所有人都知道我们的命根子很小。The whole internet knowing we've got a small penis.

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而巴尔说,‘我要把我的命根子插到那东西里。’And Barr said, 'I'm gonna stick my penis in that thing.'

杜萍萍无力又无奈地说,“一定要谨慎,这钱是咱家的命根子。”" Du Pingping also says, " be careful, this money is our lifeblood.

土地是农民的“命根子”,这种说法似乎是天经地义的。The argument that land is peasants ' "lifeline" seems perfectly justified.

至于那个狗男人敢搞我老婆,就射向他的命根子吧!Go to Wu that dog man to dare to make my wife, shot into his life-giver son!

这是一个既定的事实是海外菲律宾工人的命根子我国经济。It is a well established fact that OFWs are the lifeblood of our country's economy.

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世界贸易曾是二战后全球经济繁荣的命根子,但已开始萎缩。World trade, life blood of the post World War II global boom, had begun contracting.

但是他们最后的屏障是被他称为“高盛命根子”的流动性。But the main backstop , what he calls "the lifeblood of Goldman Sachs", is liquidity.

土地是农民的命根子,承载着生产要素和社会保障的双重功能。The land is farmer's lifeblood, bearing element of production and the social security.

作为他们家园的命根子的报纸也正在为它们的存活做斗争。Papers that have been the lifeblood of their home towns are fighting for their survival.

虽然他还是个作曲家、教师和钢琴演奏家,指挥部是他的命根子。Though he was also a composer, a teacher and a pianist, conducting was his life's blood.

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土地是农民生存、发展的基础,是农民的"命根子"。The land is the base on which farmers live and develop and is the lifeblood of the farmers.

坝地和梯田是黄土丘陵沟壑区的基本农田,是群众的“命根子”。Dam land and terrace are basic farmland in the Loess hilly region and considered as life saving land.

中国是一个农村人口占大多数的大国,土地是农民生产生活的保障,是农民的命根子。Farmland is always the lifeblood and life insurance of farmers in this large agricultural country of China.