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历史记录史事的演变。History records the march of events.

历史记录史事的演变。History of humankind in the period before recorded history.

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史料是史家与史事之间的惟一桥梁。Historical material is the unique bridge between historian and historical events.

第四章主要阐述李谨行在唐朝与新罗战争中的史事。Chapter four mainly expounds Li Jinxing's experience in the war between Tang and Silla.

他完善了以史解易的解易方式,标志着史事宗的正式形成。He improved the approach of studying ZhouYi through history and marked the formation of the theory.

史评,评论史事和评论史籍的著作。The history of commentary, reviews and comment on historical events and works of historical records.

一來可以說明既存的歷史事实,二來也完证「革命」是顺从天命的正当行为。These historical facts can also explain and substantiate "revolution" as an obedient behavior of the heavenly mandate.

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然其中某些史事的记录还存在不少问题,一些专家也有过勘误。But there are some problems in the records of some historic events and some experts have made some mistaken correction.

关于太极拳的起源与流传,许多史事轶闻仅见于拳术家的言传身教。Tai Chi Chuan on the origin and spread, and many anecdotal things only found in the history of boxing's words and deeds.

第三章是李谨行在唐朝经略高句丽及其遗民叛乱中的史事。Chapter three describes Li Jinxing's experience in the course of Tang's managing to Goguryeo and the rebellion of Goguryeo's adherents.

他与国家有关的大事、他的武功,以及他与以色列和四邻各国所经历的史事,全都记载在这些书上。These records tell how he ruled, how powerful he was, and all the things that happened to him, to Israel, and to the surrounding kingdoms.

先秦各民族都有口述历史,汉文典籍中也涉及一些民族史事。In pre-Qin period, all minorities have their oral history and the Chinese classics also refer to some historical events regarding minorities.

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正是司马迁、刘向对待战国纵横家所述史事的不同态度和处理的不同方法成为决定二书在记载战国史实方面优劣的根本性原因。The radical reason in appraising the two books in the historical facts was the authors attitude about the historical facts narrated by personates at War period.

1948年9月在南京举行的中央研究院第一次院士会议是中国近现代科学史上的重要史事之一。The First Assembly of the Academician Council of Academia Sinica held in Nanjing in September of 1948 is an important event in the history of modem science in China.

第四部分从完善知识结构、加强学法指导、开发图表效果、改进习题设计以及订正史事错误五个方面来阐述新历史教科书继续完善的问题。Part IV set forth how to improve knowledge structure, strengthen learning means direction, develop picture's effection, improve exercises design and emend mistaken historical facts.

有记历史上小政权历史的,有叙少数民族政权史事的,有关于农民起义的,也有属地理方面的。There is little recorded history, the history of the regime, there is the Syrian minority regime in the history of things, there are about peasant uprising, there is a geographical area.

注重解读这些欧洲天主教文献的相关记载,并将其与现存中文文献相互贯通,必将有助于深化郑氏家族史事的研究。Pay attention to interpret these European Catholic literature and make a comparative study with existing Chinese literature will help to deepen the research work of the history of Zheng family.

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人类社会初始,在一些文明古国都出现过充当神、人媒介的“史官”,并逐渐产生出传播史事的“史”、“瞽”。The initial human society, and in some ancient civilizations have appeared to act as God, man the media's "historian" and has the effect of a spread of historical events and the "History", "blind.

「专制皇朝的腐败必定带来政府的倒台」你同意否试以课程中一件发生在廿世纪的史事解释你的看法。Do you agree the downfall of a Government was brought by the corruption of a absolute monarch Please explain your answer with the reference to the history of 20th Century within your course of study.