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而侯选人要是反对这个权利的话,他又会让支持这项权利的选民恼火。If he's against it, he angers voters who support the right.

有人问侯选人他会投票赞减税。Someone asked the candidate whether he'd vote to cut our taxes.

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他们立假后选人纠集选票以分裂选票。They packed the ballot with dummy candidates to split the vote.

召集你的人马吧,考博先生,这次你选人时要明智一些。Assemble your team, Mr. Cobb, and choose your people more wisely.

我觉得好几个侯选人都可以替代你!I think a couple of the candidates would make great replacements for you!

在那里,受拥戴的当地侯选人、纽约市市长阿尔弗雷德·史密斯被认为是另一政府官员威廉·麦卡杜的有力竞争对手。Smith was thought to have the edge in the contest against William G. McAdoo.

侯选人如果支持堕胎权,就会激怒反对堕胎的选民。If a candidate supports theright to abortion, he angers voters opposed to it.

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侯选人如果支持堕胎权,就会激怒反对堕胎的选民。If a candidate supports the right to abortion, he angers voters opposed to it.

我不认为球员应该对主帅的选人提出疑问。I don't think the players are in any position to question who the manager picks.

众议院议员的选举基于单独的票选人名单产生的。The House of Representatives was elected on the basis of separate voters" rolls.

支持“被认为不可能胜出”的侯选人的选民可以转而支持别的侯选人。Caucus-goers supporting non-viable candidates can then switch to another candidate.

不过在以往,选举委员会从来没有拒绝认证最高阶层侯选人的当选资格。But in the past, the election commission has never failed to certify top candidates.

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唯一一位构成威胁的侯选人是墨西哥中央银行行长阿古斯丁·卡斯滕斯。The only other declared candidate is Mexican Central Bank Governor Agustin Carstens.

结果,政府操纵选举,造成民众对后选人的支持转化成对政府本身制度的抗议。The ballot-rigging turned that support into a mass protest against the system itself.

齐达内获得了264分,亨利为186分,而上一年度获选人罗纳尔多则得到176分。He had 264 points to Henry's 186. Ronaldo, who won last year for the third time, received 176.

作为工党议会侯选人,工会也正在布署方案。The unions are also using their muscle to install placemen as Labour parliamentary candidates.

另一个理由是,参加预选的选民了解竞选的议题,也了解侯选人。The other thing that we have is that our caucus-goers know the issues, they know the candidates.

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我作为上等兵离开巴林并且完成了一个为期六周的新兵训练营长官侯选人评选。I left Bahrain as a petty officer 3rd class and completed a six-week officer candidate boot camp.

所以现在有很多的不同意见,支持或反对把面试当作选人的一流程。As a result, there have been many arguments for or against the interview as a selection procedure.

共和党将在每个党内预选党团会议地点投票选举选民推举的侯选人。获得半数以上选票者获胜。Republicans will select the candidate of their choice through a majority vote at each caucus site.