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对我投资组合与现金头寸均无影响It hasn't affected my portfolio--my cash position--at all.

这笔金额是标题中的付款通知的头寸。This amount represents the cover for our captioned payment order.

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两年期债券的头寸则没什么变化,因为它仍在存续期内Nothing happens to the two-period bond because it just continues to mature.

投机者在抛售,是因为他们正从短期头寸脱身。Fast-money traders are selling as they are stopped out of short-term positions.

一般而论,上市公司必须在财务报告中披露衍生品投资头寸。Typically, companies have to disclose derivative positions in their financial reports.

活猪期价今天急剧上涨,起到了鼓励作用,没有必要再目前的行情下削减头寸。Hog futures were up sharply today, offering encouragement and no need to cut back there.

而且其在新兴市场的股票头寸处于2001年来的最小值。They also have smaller positions in emerging-market equities than at any time since 2001.

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据知情人士透露,黄金股是其最大的头寸之一。One of its biggest positions is in gold stocks, according to people familiar with the fund.

还有一些人说,政府甚至应当迫使高盛以折扣价结算剩余头寸。Some say it should even have forced Goldman to settle the outstanding positions at a discount.

如果您退出交易平台,那么您开设的头寸与设置的挂单仍将持有。If you exit the trading platform, then you set up positions and pending orders will still hold.

投资者继续削减大型科技股头寸,导致科技股占很大权重的Nasdaq指数收跌.Investors kept trimming large-cap technology positions, pushing the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite lower.

清算值显示您将所有头寸平仓后将会得到的现金。The Liquidation Value represents the cash amount you would have if you have closed all your positions.

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我们收到您的出金表后,会在三个工作日内办理出金手续,除非您的交易帐号还有未结头寸。Your request will be processed within three business days of receipt unless you have unsettled trades.

他说,20国集团峰会后,看空美元、看涨亚洲各国货币的头寸将会非常危险。He argues that after the G-20 meetings, 'the short-dollar, long-Asia positions will become vulnerable.'

相反,现金短缺公司可延后支付集团内现金头寸充裕的公司。On the contrary, the cash shortage subsidiaries could delay the payment to the cash surplus subsidiaries.

该公司的管理人士则忙于筹措现金,其中包括降价出售一些欧洲头寸等。Executives have scrambled to raise cash, including selling some of the European positions, the people said.

一旦美元兑雷亚尔向1.50逼近,那么眼下持有远期价为1.55雷亚尔的头寸便会发生损失。Holding a dollar forward valued at BRL1.55 when the dollar weakens to BRL1.50 is a money losing proposition.

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但是这种调整必须逐步发生,同时不能让美国债券价值受损,或者中国手头的巨大头寸有失。But that rebalancing must happen gradually to not hurt the value of American bonds or of China’s huge holdings.

定的协议,原有帐户需保留足够的保证金来维持未结头寸正常运转。Positions in your existing account, according to the terms and conditions in the applicable Customer Agreement.

他们依然在囤积大量现金头寸,以备遭受投资者赎回申请的冲击。They still are holding on to large cash positions in case they are hit with redemption requests from investors.