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这只獚在狗展中展出。The spaniel is benched.

你一定要看这场展出。You must see this show.

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奥迪展出了一款无人驾驶的A7汽车。Audi was showing a self-driving A7.

这次展出将是一个盛举。The exhibition will be a big affair.

他的作品曾在许多国家展出。His works have hung in many countries.

我与方昉先生的作品将展出至本月24日。This event will last till Oct. 24,2010.

2004年参加北京“艺博会”展出。In 2004, Jin attended "Beijing Art Fair".

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这是首次在意大利进行这样的展出。It is the first such exhibition in Italy.

几十辆进口车在这里展出。Scores of imported cars are on show here.

现在正在展出最新型的计算机。The newest types of computer are on show.

家具展在哪里展出?。Where is the furniture show taking place?

一种新型车在这家店展出。A new kind of car was ondisplayin the shop.

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我很喜爱展出中这幅他的自画像。I love his self-portrait in the exhibition.

展出的71件作品几乎都是出借品。Nearly all the 71 pieces on show are loans.

在普拉多有一戈雅展览正在展出。There is a goya exhibition on at the prado.

我的展出以客户经验为基础。I am basing my talk on customer experiences.

这些画曾在美术馆展出。The paintings were shown at the Art Gallery.

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为什么有些鱼要分开展出?Why Are Some Fish Kept in Separate Exhibits?

本周,我们将展出卧室家具。We are featuring bedroom furniture this week.

展出的新产品不下于300种。There are as many as 300 new products on show.