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购买者闻讯蜂拥而至。Buyers who stampede in.

他们会蜂拥而至的!They’ll come flocking in!

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天使不敢践踏的地方,蠢才蜂拥而至。For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

机遇在招手,女人们蜂拥而至好莱坞。Opportunity beckoned and women flocked to Hollywood.

远近四方的记者蜂拥而至,采访伦琴。From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen.

美国宇航局转发了她的图片,媒体采访跟着蜂拥而至。NASA retweeted her photo and media requests began pouring in.

没有人会忽视她的存在,尝鲜者会蜂拥而至!No one will ignore her presence, early adopters will flock to!

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马耳他人已经习惯了陌生游客的蜂拥而至。The Maltese are used to strange visitors invading their homeland.

红卫兵蜂拥而至,在此举行仪式批判刘和刘的亲属。Red Guards swarmed there for ritual denunciations of Liu and his ilk.

大约30多个女孩蜂拥而至迅速围拢上来,在汽车耀眼的大灯前显出绰约的风姿。About 30 girls swarm around it, posing in the glare of its headlights.

在加沙地带最近战争期间,众多国际非政府组织蜂拥而至。During the recent war in Gaza, far too many international NGOs came in.

水手们蜂拥而至,汇成欢笑与呼喊的一圈把那两人围在中间。The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.

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越来越多的印度人开始购车,越来越多的车商也蜂拥而至。More Indians are buying cars, and more carmakers are rushing to accommodate them.

第二天联邦快递寄来了一封证明信,接下来的一个星期媒体蜂拥而至。A letter of proof came by FedEx the next day, and a media storm followed the next week.

最近,米歇尔·奥巴马举行的一次募资晚宴令时尚界人士蜂拥而至。Recently, a fund-raiser held in Michelle Obama's honor attended by a giant fashion crowd.

接着,难民蜂拥而至,在不到一年的时间内,城市人口剧增至一百万。Refugees descended on the city, its population swelling to a million in less than a year.

舒一口气的队友们在沃特福德的半场中间,纷纷蜂拥而至扑向他。Relieved team-mates flung themselves on him in team throng halfway inside Watford's half.

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但是很多人却成绩斐然,大批的投资者蜂拥而至,寻求安全。But many of the rest have done nicely as worried investors flocked to them seeking safety.

下课铃声响起,蜂拥而至的出现在学校的大门口,夜晚的街道,风习过,微凉。Bell rang, come in great numbers appear in the school gate, the street at night, wind, cool.

很简单,如果高铁有利益,那么那些私人公司肯定会蜂拥而至。Simple fact, if High speed trains were lucrative, private enterprise would be building them.