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你妻子上一次例假是在什么时候?When was your wife's last menstrual period?

我的妻子心情烦燥,一定是到了来例假的日子。My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the Month.

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例假期间常更换护垫、卫生巾。During your period, change your pads or tampons often.

她们的首次例假平均也提前三个月。They were also having their first periods, on average, three months earlier.

以前每次来例假时前额部都要出一些黑头粉刺,现在再也没有了。I don't have pimple on my forehead anymore everytime before I have my period.

医生说女人来例假时不应干过重的活。The doctor says that women at that time of the month should avoid doing heavy work.

有些女生会迫不及待想要经历例假,然而其他的则也许对此感到害怕和担心。Some girls can't wait to start their periods, whereas others may feel afraid or anxious.

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你想做的只是希望不要谈论你六岁大的女儿有例假。You just don’t expect to have to talk to your six-year-old daughter about having periods.

所有的移植骨与临近椎体连接良好,没有一例假关节出现。All grafts showed good contact to the adjoining vertebrae with no case of a pseudarthrosis.

就像和许多其他与青春期有关的变化一样,例假会令人困惑。And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing.

纠正了3例假阳性和6例诊断骨折类型不准确。The wrong classification of fractures in 6 cases and false-positive in 3 cases were corrected.

我上个月来例假过,这个月肚子胀胀的,有可能怀孕吗?I come last month official holiday passes, this month abdomen bilges bilge, be pregnant likely?

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许多女孩怀疑她们“那里的味道”——或人们会注意到自己来了例假。Many girls wonder if they smell "down there" — or whether people will notice they have their periods.

第一次去产检的时候,医生会问你很多问题,其中包括你最后一次例假的日期。During your first visit, the doctor will ask you lots of questions, including the date of your last period.

结果18F—FDG符合线路显像24例患者发现异常放射性浓聚灶,3例假阳性。Results Lesions with high 18F-FDG uptake were detected in 24 patients and false 18F-FDG uptake in 3 patients.

每天淋浴——尽管有些女孩更愿意在例假中用温水洗澡,这样可以减少月经疼痛。Shower daily — although some girls like to substitute warm baths during their periods to reduce menstrual cramps.

影像学并发症包括3例肱骨大结节位置上移,3例假体后倾位置不良。T he radiographic complications included high position of great tuberosity in 3cases, inadequate retro-version in 3cases.

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通过红外诊断与病理诊断的综合分析,其中有81例假阴性,有123假阳性。Comparing the reports of infrared and pathological diagnosis , we found out 81 false negative and 123 false positive cases.

在肯尼亚一项旨在教育女孩关于HIV防护的工程在她们来例假时帮助她们留在学校。In Kenya, a project aims to educate girls about HIV prevention while helping them stay in school during their monthly periods.

在谈论月经时——如果她们会谈起的话——中国女性仍然宁愿使用“大姨妈来了”或“例假”等委婉说法。When talking about their periods, if at all, women still prefer to use euphemisms like "a visit from my aunt" or "taking a break.