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现在它就成了双曲线。It hasbecome a hyperbola.

由四点作双曲线。Hyperbola from Four Points.

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艾琳有一双曲线美好的腿。Evelyn has a pair of shapely legs.

我应该只看双曲线上的点就足够了。I should be looking only on the hyperbola.

同时提供一种卡塞格伦系统双曲线的近似计算的方法。And a method how to compute the dual curve is given.

双曲线逐渐接近它的渐近线但不相交。A hyperbola approaches but does not meet its asymptote.

我们仍然可以在双曲线上找到解。Yes, we can still find points on the hyperbola and so on.

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上面这个是f的等高线,黄色的就是双曲线。That is the contour plot of f with a hyperbola on top of it.

如果你们看这里所有的双曲线的话,xy等于常数。Well, if you look at all these hyperbola's, xy equals constant.

土体的应力应变关系采用双曲线模型。The stress-strain be-avior is expressed by the hyperbolic model.

冲压,焊接钢班卓琴住房,单减少,双曲线。Pressed and welded steel banjo housing, single reduction, hypoid.

此外,它还能精确表示双曲线。And hyperbolic polynomial curves can represent hyperbolas exactly.

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此外,它可以精确表示双曲线和悬链线。Moreover, the curve can represent hyperbolas and catenary exactly.

那么珊瑚和海蛞蝓到底展示了什么样的双曲线几何呢?So what is this hyperbolic geometry that corals and sea slugs embody?

二是采用双曲线正切函数柔化输入矢量。Another is to intenerate the input vectors by hyperbola tangent function.

此外,这类曲线能精确地表示双曲线。Further, the hyperbola can be represented by the proposed curves accurately.

分析了磁单极子在等离子体中沿双曲线运动的辐射特点。The characteristics of the hyperbola radiation in cosmic plasma are analyzed.

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本论文是在研究三角形的双曲线的理论。The purpose of this thesis is to study the theory of hyperbolas of triangles.

最后,在基于双曲线介质来构造3D高指向天线。Finally, we construct 3D highly directive antenna based on the hyperbolic medium.

它的双曲线钢筋混凝土外形成了发电站的典型标志。Its hyperbola ferroconcrete appearance became the typical symbol of power station.