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抛开你的忧虑吧。Cast your care aside.

忧虑使他蹙额皱眉。Worry puckered his brows.

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果为您无需再忧虑。Because you need not worry.

这种忧虑是错误的。But this dread is mistaken.

忧虑我要离开我的朋友们。Of parting from my friends.

你为死亡感到忧虑吗You're worried about dying?

我的忧虑与时俱增。My anxiety grew by the hour.

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左少卿非常忧虑。Very worried about the left.

他因忧虑而心烦意乱。He was distracted by anxiety.

可是,我也有些忧虑。However, I have some worries.

她看着我,脸上带着忧虑的神色。She gave me a concerned look.

交托我们的忧虑是自己的选择。Casting our cares is a choice.

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他的脸因忧虑而生皱纹。His face was seamed with care.

忧虑使她变得木然。The worries darkened her mind.

投资者深感忧虑。Investors are deeply concerned.

不过,间谍活动还只是忧虑之一。But espionage is only one worry.

劳动无害,忧虑伤身。Work won't kill but worry be to.

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忧虑会引起胃部不适。Anxiety may disorder the stomach.

她的行为让我深感忧虑。Her behaviour deeply troubled me.

停止忧虑,忧虑要人命。Stop worrying . Worry kills life.