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使九天谛听这乐声悠悠。That makes the heavens be mute.

旭日如灯升九天。The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun.

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九天明月总相随。Empyrean bright moon always in the sky.

看一湖秋月,赏远处凤凰九天。At the lake, enjoy nine days distant phoenix.

昨天是世界杯赛的第九天。Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup.

老朋友岂能相忘,真友谊地九天长!True friendship will last as long as the universe!

他的思想这时会平静地飘浮在九天之上。His thoughts floated then serenely in the empyrean.

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他们九天旳蜜月在意大利卡普里岛度过。Their nine-day-long honeymoon was on the isle of Capri.

难怪我们感觉良好,抑郁被抛于九天云外。No wonder we feel good and depression is left in the dust.

春雨,美好的春雨,从茫茫的九天飘向大地。Rain, beautiful rain, nine days drifting from the vast earth.

2009年,他们收养了一个女儿,九天后收养了一个儿子。They adopted their son in 2009 and a daughter eight days ago.

鹰翔九天,但是鼬鼠从不会卷入飞机引擎。Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

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林肯于就职前九天到达华盛顿。Lincoln arrived in Washington nine days before his inauguration.

星落九天大地上,天之秘密何处寻…Star fell nine days on the earth, where secrets of the day found.

那意味着大概每八到九天消耗一个避孕套。That means that one condom could be used every eight or nine days.

谈判第九天,我又向阿拉法特说明了我认为是最好的解决方案,但他还是拒绝了。On the ninth day, I gave Arafat my best shot again. Again he said no.

飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天,蔚为壮观。Fei Bao such as Abas million Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.

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这九天的晚上人们都是参加礼拜SHAKTI的活动。This nine-night SHAKTI people are to participate in worship activities.

电缆使得残疾陆小凤传奇之凤舞九天可能行走是科比加盟山西方夜谭。It's a fable that the cable enables the disabled man to be able to walk.

我们在曼谷、芭提雅、新加坡和吉隆坡度过了美妙的九天。We spent nine fabulous days in Bangkok, Pattaya, Singapore & Kuala Lumpur.