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小儿斜颈、小儿消化系统疾患。Young child torticollis, young child digesting system illness.

我们的消化系统是可以平静的接受一些细菌的。The body can take quite a bit of other bacteria in our ingestion.

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酒店还给了我们消化系统的药,保证我们健康。It was fabulous. And we even got digestives to help keep us healthy.

那是某些关于Peggy,Sue消化系统本质的事实。They're certain facts about the nature of Peggy Sue's digestive system.

因此,我的消化系统备受煎熬,但是它也一天天地改变。My digestive system experiences a lot of pain, but it varies day to day.

是的,我们大部分人都知道肠子是我们消化系统的一部分。OK – so most of us are well aware that our gut is part of of our digestive system.

而人体得以自我解毒时,消化系统是应该得到充分休息的。The digestive system is given a much needed rest while the body is able to detoxify.

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当他的消化系统感觉更好了,我们发现他平时学会了更多的语言。When his digestive system was feeling better, we noticed he picked up more language.

本文进行了革胡子鲶消化系统的大体形态及显微结构初步研究。The anatomy and histology of the digestive system of Clarias lazera has been studied.

血液还把消化系统产生的营养和腺体分泌的激素传输到全身各处。Blood also distributes nourishment from the digestive system and hormones from glands.

与其他有消化系统疾病的人不同,程恩华每天都要吃大餐。Unlike other people who have digestive system diseases, Cheng eats big meals every day.

每个生物系的学生都分到一只青蛙来解剖以观察他的消化系统…Each biology student was given a frog to dissect in order to study its digestive system.

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正是这不断暴露出来的致敏源使得消化系统过劳和混乱。It is this constant exposure to allergens that overworks and confuses the immune system.

这款维他命C是非酸性的,意味着对你的消化系统不刺激。Advan-C? is acid-neutralized, meaning that it is non-irritating to your digestive system.

禁食给你的消化系统一个急需的休息,让它进行自我恢复,重新调整。Fasting gives you digestive system a much needed rest, allows itself to heal and restore.

目的探讨消化系统类癌的早期诊断及治疗。Objective To investigate the early diagnosis and treatment of digestive tract carcinoids.

这会帮助它们在消化系统发育的过程中,学会只吃少量的食物。This will help them learn to eat only smaller amounts as their digestion system develops.

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纤维保持消化系统的正常运作并且长时间让你有饱胀感。Fiber keeps your digestive system healthy and moving as well as keeping your stomach full.

也许正因为这样,绿薄荷对消化系统有非常好的舒缓效果。Perhaps it is for this reason that spearmint can be very soothing to the digestive system.

面部长色斑。长斑的女性通常消化系统才能弱一些。Surface stain minister. Women are usually spotted long before the digestive system weaker.