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这些并非只是豪言壮语。The words were not just rhetoric.

你是在罗马学的这些豪言壮语吗?Did you learn these pretty gallantries at Rome?

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一次见义勇为胜过百次豪言壮语!A hero is more than one hundred times grandiloquence! ! ! ! !

越王勾践卧薪尝胆,于是有了“苦心人,天不负”这样的豪言壮语。Yue hardships, they have "good people who live day" such words.

在星期二晚上,就算是霍里的豪言壮语也救不了湖人。Not even Horry's heroics could have saved the Lakers on Tuesday.

如今,贝宝不再发出革命的豪言壮语。For now, PayPal has shied away from using revolutionary rhetoric.

关于经济,类似的豪言壮语曾经表达过。On economic matters, similar ambitions had been expressed before.

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最糟糕的是,在豪言壮语的努力失败之后,整个打碎系统。Worst of all, scrapping the system entirely, after heroic efforts fail.

海雁因为历经了风吹雨打,才能喊出“让暴风雨来得更猛一些”的豪言壮语。Hai Yan because, after the wind and rain to cry "Let the Tempest come steeper some" rhetoric.

在第2页的专栏中,我通常会和大家分享一些销售方面的豪言壮语、发现、贴士、思索。A regular feature is my Page 2column, where I share rants , observations, tips, musings about sales.

所有这一切破坏了希拉里标榜自己将成为CEO式人物的豪言壮语,她宣称已经做好了上任伊始就保证国家正常运转的准备。It also undermines her claim to be a CEO-type figure who will be ready to run the country on day one.

在他的前一半任期,卢蒙巴似乎愿意兑现他提出的许多豪言壮语。During the first half of his tenure, it appeared as though Lumumba would deliver on many of his grand promises.

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格瓦拉呼唤“两个,三个,更多个越南”,好像只有他的敌人们听到了他那套豪言壮语中多米诺骨牌正在倒下。Guevara called for 'two, three, many Vietnams, ' but it seems only his enemies heard the dominoes falling in his rhetoric.

在热情的握手和表示要进行合作的豪言壮语背后,与会各方对导致油价高涨的罪魁祸首意见不一。Behind the warm handshakes and the talk of cooperation rumbled a deep disagreement over what has caused the oil-price surge.

新赛季,乔科尔将披上10号战袍,到时球迷们就能看到他是否能履行自己的豪言壮语。The new season, Joe Cole will be put on No. 10 shirt, when fans will be able to see whether he can fulfill his own rhetoric.

比如一篇关于奥巴马的,题为“当你失落郁闷,只要想想我是如何豪言壮语”。An opinion piece by Barack Obama, for example, is entitled “Should You Ever Feel Despair, Simply Remember How Eloquent I Am”.

天慢慢暗下来,大上海商业广告的霓虹灯亮起来了,一句句豪言壮语般的广告词在我眼前掠过。It grew dark, neon lights with commercial ads in Great Shanghai went shining, slogans in the ads were passing by before my eyes.

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在真正的风俗传统中,魔鬼只会蜷缩在火炉的后面偷听Pakhom的豪言壮语。In true folkloric tradition, the devil just so happens to be crouched behind the stove, and overhears Pakhom’s prideful statement.

朝鲜足协副主席孙光浩在接受442杂志记者尼尔·比林汉姆的采访时出此豪言壮语。These are the words told by the vice-president of the North Korea FA, Son Kwang-Ho, to reporter Neil Billingham of FourFourTwo magazine.

许多人都曾立下豪言壮语减肥,但都是半途而废。所以你需要充分利用你周围最好的锻炼方式—步行。Many people try to lose weight and never manage to, and this is why you need to make the most of the best exercise that it around-----walking.