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必定来出席我的寿辰宴会。Do come to my celebrine.

我应该给宴会承办者打一个电话。I've got to call a caterer.

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我们举行一次宴会,行不行?。Lets have a party, shall we?

桑迪也参加了宴会。Sandy was also at the party.

那么,你的宴会好何,亲爱的。So, how was your party, dear?

在宴会上他狼吞虎咽地把自己塞饱。He gorged himself at the party.

宴会通常是在家里举行。Feasts are usually held at home.

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裘裘的生日宴会在花园里举行。Jo-Jo's party was in the garden.

宫廷礼服,为我们的宴会准备。Court clothes, for all our party.

谁是这场宴会的邀请人?Who is the inviter of the dinner?

舞会,宴会,庆祝宴都过时了。Balls, parties, and fetes are over.

在宴会上她对他眉目传情。Her eyes spoke to him at the party.

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参加宴会,当然要好好打扮。I need get dolled up for the party.

没有让记者采访这次宴会。Newsmen were barred from the party.

我们来邀请马力来参加宴会?Shoul we invite Mary to the party ?

这种宴会无聊,我可要溜了!This party is boring.Let's bail it!

我们今晚将举行宴会。We are having a party this evening.

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他碰巧在一个宴会上遇到了一名女子。He met a woman by chance at a party.

这个宴会没啥乐趣,我们开溜吧!This party is no fun. Let's cut out.

你会是宴会上最枪眼的人物。You are go to be a hit at the party.