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抱怨它,哭诉它,叫骂它。Cry about it. Complain about it.

她哭诉了她所受的苦难。She snuffled about her sufferings.

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终于她向我哭诉了悲痛之情。At last she keened her sorrow to me.

她向母亲哭诉着自己的伤心事。She wept out her grief to her mother.

女孩对父亲哭诉自己的伤心事。The girl wept out her grief to her father.

妻子向丈夫哭诉自己的伤心事。The wife wept out her grief to her husband.

向伟大的上帝哭诉期望得到救济。Crying to the great immortal God for relief.

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他向他父亲哭诉着他的委屈。He snivelled to his father about his troubles.

向晶莹的露珠把他全部的故事哭诉。Cried all his story to the dewdrops glistening.

我并不认为他们是被宠坏了的哭诉者。It isn't that I think they are spoiled whiners.

向上帝哭诉和请求帮助修复你的心灵。Cry out to Him and ask Him to help mend your heart.

那女孩哭诉说丢了项链之类东西。The girl blubbered something about a lost necklace.

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她总是伤心哭诉自己童年不幸。She's always snivelling about her unhappy childhood.

许多银行哭诉不需要更多的资本。Many lenders are squealing that more capital is not needed.

仔细听着,风中呜咽的哭诉是他们的歌唱。Listen carefully, their songs are the sniveling of the wind.

小手紧紧抓着我的手,一个声音哭诉道,“让我进去!It held my hand tightly, and a voice cried sadly, 'Let me in!

他们还看见雌鸟到处飞,向她的伴侣哭诉。They saw the mother robin flying about, and crying to her mate.

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我只是为上周像个到处哭诉的笨蛋道歉来的。I just came by to apologize for being a yammering idiot last week.

死去妇女的兄弟,在葬礼现场哭诉。Abu Bakr, the brother of the slain woman, wept through the funeral.

珍佳然打电话给西瓦的母亲向她哭诉。Jane well but make a phone call to the wests mother asked her to cry.