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那违背了洪特定律。That would violate Pauli.

也违背了神的首者了!Breach divine head person too!

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你故意违背我。You deliberately disobeyed me.

不要违背原则。Don't derogate from principles.

不要违背我们的原则!Don't derogate from our principle!

她违背了不喝酒的诺言。She broke her promise not to drink.

用这种方法拯救银行,显然违背了规律。That broke the rules of bank rescue.

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那很糟糕,你违背了洪特定律。Very bad. You violate the Hund Rule.

这是一种不可违背的自然规律。This is an infrangible law of nature.

我们从不违背自己的原则。We never deviate from our principles.

作弊会违背自已良心吗?Cheat can breach oneself's conscience?

它从不违背物理学定律。It never violates the laws of physics.

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这一行动违背我的良心。This action goes against my conscience.

随缘不变,则是不违背真理。Fate is not constant, against the truth.

那么,我们又是怎样违背自己的道德准则的呢?So how we do violate our own moral code?

违背者必然遭到谴责和鄙视。Violators will be condemned and despised.

没有叶子会违背我的旨意飘落。Without my blessing, not a leaf will fall.

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他这么做就违背了我的意愿。He went against my wishes when he did that.

听听看,我怎能违背当初我许下的诺言。Look, I can't break my promise to her then.

这是和既定目标想违背的。This is the opposite of having fixed goals.