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清理散乱物件和脏的物品。Clean up the clutter and dirtiness.

生活中的物件对我们是一种安慰。The stuff of our lives is a comfort.

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取本字串与泛型物件中的泛型物件。Gets the generic type object of this.

物件防窃安全管理。Object anti-theft security management.

物件防窃安全管理。Clothing anti-theft security management.

他的书桌上乱堆着各种各样的物件。His desk is littered with assorted items.

法师能让一个物件跳到将来。The mage shunts an object forward in time.

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物件防窃,安全管理。Merchandise anti-theft security management.

是的,这个物件是两个狼头的半身像。Yes, this item is a bust of two wolf heads.

小偷从商店里偷了一些物件。The thief stole some articles from the shop.

随身携带口气清新剂和补妆的物件。Carry tone Buzhuang fresh agents and objects.

穿红颜色的衣服或装饰红颜色的物件,因为红象征吉祥好运。Wear red clothing because red symbolizes luck.

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拥有一样物件,能令你成为追杀目标。Just holding one makes you a target for murder.

释出与这个物件相关联的资源。Releases resources associated with this object.

将指定的物件序列化为运算式。Serializes the given object into an expression.

这是一个多么骇人的不朽物件。G. What a terrible object to be immortalised in.

这可是他们最有价值的物件之一啊!That’s one of the most valuable pieces they have!

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利用物件时,所进行的方式则相当不同。With objects you expect something very different.

我爱我的滑雪板,真是美丽的物件!I love my snowboard . It's such a beautiful thing!

把桌上和卡盘上任何的不牢固的物件移开。Keep any loose items clear of the table and chuck.