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烧毁它,退订了它。Fire it. Burn it.

文件立刻烧毁了。The papers burned up in a minute.

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烧毁建筑物的基本构架。The carcass of a burned-out building.

学校被人纵火烧毁了。The school was burnt down by vandals.

他们的房子被一场大火烧毁了。Their house was done in by a big fire.

那座大工厂的内部于几分钟内全部烧毁。The huge factory was gutted in minutes.

他们威胁要烧毁我们的房子。They threatened to burn down our house.

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你可不想让你的房子给烧毁,You don't want your house to burn down,

木棚半小时内被烧毁。The woodshed burned down in half an hour.

大火烧毁了该地区的几栋房子。Fire destroyed several houses in the area.

他们向烧毁了的警卫室行进。They march into the burned out break room.

在日立港口被烧毁的汽车残骸。Burned-out cars sit gutted Hitachi Harbour.

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在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.

巴基斯坦民兵烧毁北约运油车。Militants burn NATO fuel tankers in Pakistan.

如果保险管烧毁,进行相应型号更换。Change by a corresponding model if burnt down.

1683年他的著作在牛津被公开烧毁。In 1683 his books were public burned in Oxford.

他的房子被烧毁时,他毫无表情地在旁边看着。He watched impassively as his house burned down.

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没有建筑物烧毁,也没有人员伤亡。No buildings burned, and there were no injuries.

它能够烧毁一座大型城市的中心地带。That would incinerate the heart of a major city.

那个机器,按其设念,如果过度使用就会烧毁。This machine is designed to burn up if overused.