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他是一个顽固争持的人。He is a persistent person.

双方争持不下。Both sides stuck to their own stand.

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有时辰。争持信仰是很困难的。It is sometimes hard to keep the faith.

我父亲由于踢足球的是和我争持过。My father fought for me to play footpitch.

一封适时的情书可以终止情侣间的争持。A timely paymentet-doux can patch up a fans' quarrel.

我想看看谁可以在危急的情况下争持战争。I wish to see who can still fight when the chips are down.

为什么要急着在5个月内解决一个争持了50年的冲突?Why rush to solve a 50-year-old conflict in a mere five months?

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结果又惹起新一轮的争持,两人不欢而散。The results also made up a new round of 50-year-old huff, two people.

杰米和赛琳发作争持,杰米愤慨地拉着杰姬回家。Jamie and SaiLin attack favoured, jamie indignation pulling Jackie home.

埃利不想分开杰姬,兄弟两发作争持。Emmanuel and don't want to separate the two attacks, brother Jackie favoured.

假设一段关系够稳定的话,争持和抵触只是小事。If a relationship is strong enough, its no big deal for arguements or conflicts.

双方争持不下,瑞薏也未能担当调解员助手的角色,偏帮亚磊造成僵局。The most of the job also failed to act as mediator assistant role, help the lei deadlock.

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婚礼过后双方家长又争持了起来,原因是婚礼的费用问题。Both parents after the wedding favoured up again, because the cost of the wedding problem.

我想这也是国际相干准则所争持的“理”。And I believe it is also the principle that is reflected in the norms governing international relations.

范仲淹如故争持质朴的生活风俗,不经受富家子弟的捐赠,以磨砺本身的意志。生活恶习。Fan Zhongyan still keep to the simple life haportions. do not believe the rich gifts. to sharpen their will.

二人争持不下,突然门铃一响,发现竟然是开朗。Most of more than two persons, suddenly the doorbell rang and found it was a bright and cheerful disposition.

生完孩子就发作了阴吹现象,搞得往常夫妻生活有点不谐和,总是为此争持哦。Giving birth to the phenomenon of attack Yin blowing, and made a little dissonance usual married life, always do this contention Oh.

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我挚友有很长一段韶华接续想在厨房购买极少厨柜,但她外子争持说这是浪费糜掷。A Pleasant Surprise A friend of mine had been wanting new kitchen cabinets for a long time, but her husband insisted they were an extravagance.

令瓦赫特尔法官与曼哈顿地方检察官摩根索互相对抗的争持,在于如何使用位于中央街80号州政府所拥有的一栋九层楼房。Sol Wachtler against Manbhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, is over how to use a nine-story, state-owned building at 80 Centre Street.

如果你们将那些争持、辩论、剧烈的言辞处理妥当并在这一过程中坚持对彼此的尊重,那么这些并不会使你们变得有隔膜。Those arguments, debates, heated conversations, what have you, will not cause you to grow apart, if you handle them appropriately and respectfully.