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扭动青春,舞出高潮!Twist youth dance climax!

他扭动他的双肩。He twitched his shoulders.

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一只鸭子扭动着身子在路上走。A duck wiggled in the street.

她扭动着挣脱了他的拥抱。She squirmed out of his arms.

它活着,颤抖着,扭动着。That lives, quivers and writhes.

病人痛苦地扭动着身子。The patient twisted about in pain.

这名囚犯痛苦地扭动身体。The prisoner writhed in discomfort.

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泰山扭动在他的思想。Tarzan writhed at the thought of him.

那只白猫的蠢货在椅子上扭动着。The white idiot writhes on his chair.

他躺在地上痛苦地扭动着。He was squirming on the floor in agony.

他坐在椅子上不舒服地扭动着身体。He wriggled uncomfortably on the chair.

舞者随着乐曲性感地扭动着。The dancer twisted sexily to the music.

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我想进去,于是扭动了门把手。I want to go in. I turn the door handle.

毛鼻袋熊想在地面上扭动前进。Wombat wanted to wiggle along the ground.

袋熊想在地面上扭动前进。Wombats wanted to wiggle along the ground.

被告不安地在椅子上扭动身子。The defendant twisted uneasily in his chair.

用手扭动隔布榨出杏仁汁。Hand twist cloth to squeeze out almond juice.

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她跳舞时扭动着臀部十分诱人。She swayed her hips sensuously as she danced.

那孩子扭动着挣脱了母亲的怀抱。Thee child wriggled out of his mother's arms.

他扭动身体,挣开背包的肩带。He squirmed out of the straps of his backpack.