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我能不能向你借一只电熨斗?Do you have an iron I could borrow?

你知道我能在哪儿买到电熨斗吗?Do you know where I can buy an iron?

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那个电熨斗的价格是多少?What's the price of that electric iron?

她在商店买了一个电熨斗。She bought an electric iron in the shop.

我母亲昨天买了一只电熨斗。My mother bought an electric iron yesterday.

你可否教我使用这个电熨斗?Can you tell me how to use this electric iron?

她买的第一样东西是电熨斗。The first item she bought was an electric iron.

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我们有两个电熨斗,但都坏了。We have two electric irons but both are broken.

我们有两个电熨斗,但都坏了!We have two electric irons, and both are broken!

当你没有用电熨斗时,不要让它开着。Don't leave the iron on when you are not using it.

她用电熨斗把皱褶烫平。She smoothed the creases out with an electric iron.

吹风机与电熨斗已经成为普及的居家电器。Hair drier and electric iron is popular in our life.

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我们共用一个电熨斗,熨好了我们最好的制服。We ironed our best uniforms, sharing one electric iron.

你若触摸热的电熨斗,手会烫伤的。Your hand will burn if you touch the hot electric iron.

这种电熨斗的特点是能自动调节温度。This electric iron features automatic temperature regulation.

你可以用一些常用的烫衣服的电熨斗。You can use a common electric iron used for pressing clothes.

我们经常用电熨斗熨平衣服。We often use an electric smoothing iron to make the clothes smooth.

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电熨斗和烫衣板都靠墙,很容易拿到。The iron and ironing board was just down the hall, easily accessible.

这件衣服应该用电熨斗烫平后再穿。This garment should be put on after being ironed by an electric iron.

假如你同时打开收音机、电视机和电熨斗,就会烧断保险丝。If you put on the radio, the television, and the iron, it will blow the fuses.