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料。这些是公法还是私法呢?What is the difference between a public and private law?

公法和私法被分卷收编。Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes.

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但是在一个自愿性的私法体制下,怎样才能进行申诉呢?But how would appeals work in a voluntary system of private law?

大陆法系有公法与私法之分。The mainland legal system has division public law and the civil law.

婚姻是私法上的契约,也是制度的安排。Marriage is a contract in private law, and an arrangement of institution.

私法领域中的契约分为个别性契约和社会化契约。Contracts consist of discrete contract and socialized contract in private law.

私法调整有秩序的社会中的个人之间的关系。Private law deals with the relationships between individuals in an organized society.

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法律规避制度的意义在区际私法中仍然重要。At the same time, the evasion of law is a prominent issue in the regional private law.

它不仅是一部规范商品生产的私法,而且也包含了有关宗教内容的公法。It was not only a private law on commodity production but also a public law on religion.

在实践中这意味着,会员国国家私法中一个非常大的部分。This means in practice a very large part of the national private laws of the Member States.

而新公共管理中的核心思想是利用私法契约来提供公共服务。The core idea of NPM is to make use of contract to provide the services in the public sector.

私法效果的弹性化,可透过要件的动态化而实现。The flexibility of legal effects in private law could be realized by the dynamic requirements.

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现代法律体系的宏观结构由公法、私法和社会法三大要素构成。The macro-structure of modern legal systems consists of public law, private law and social law.

劳动法,农业法和社会保障法等领域有时被认为是公法和私法领域的混合。Labor law, agricultural law, social security are sometimes said to be "mixed" public and private areas.

正确的进路是正本清源,以私法的概念重述民间的习惯法。The right way is to take radical reform and to restate folk traditional law with concepts in private law.

在不同的历史时期,公、私法在价值、形式理性上的确定性是不同的。In varied period, public law and private law are different in the certainty of the value and formal reason.

信赖保护原则是私法之“诚实信用原则”在公法领域的转化和延伸。Trust-Protection Principle is the transformation and extension of "Honesty-Credit Principle"in private law.

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私法可以成为完成公共任务的工具,公法也可以成为导正市场秩序的保障。Private law can be a tool to complete public mission, public law can protect the operation of market economy.

权利能力是私法体系的基石范畴,就其价值内涵而言,甚至是整个法治社会的价值支点。As far as its value meaning is concerned, the right capacity is the value fulcrum of the society ruled by law.

继承法是私法中的强行法,继承法的这种双重品格决定了其存在固有的缺陷。Law of succession is a compulsory law of private law , and such double characters lead to its inherent defaults.