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他和和气气地拍拍她肩膀。He pats her kindly on the shoulder.

又有多少情侣能和和气气地分手呢?How many lovers can part as friends?

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往下说吧,亲爱的,”他和和气气地说。Try again, my dear, ' said he kindly.

大家快快乐乐,和和气气,日子越过越好。We quickly Lele, and create gas, days off.

有礼貌的人总是和和气气,彬彬有礼的。A person with good manners is always kind and polite.

一位评论家形容为可爱,体贴,和和气气的新的歌曲。One critic described the new songs as lovely, thoughtful, and agreeable.

不管谁跟他说话一他总是和和气气、无精打采地笑笑。When any one spoke to him he invariably laughed in an agreeable, colorless way.

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她走进来,和和气气的,态度从容,表现出非常自然的样子。She enters, sunny, self-possessed, and giving a staggeringly convincing exhibition of ease of manner.

“好吧,”他和和气气地说,“不过我会在附近的。万一她不来接你,我可以护送你安全回家的。”"All right, " he said in all kindness. "I'll be near, though, in case she isn't here, and take you out there safely. "

最初,她和和气气地好言好语地劝他说,如果他不再屙屎屙尿在尿布上,而能够在洗手间大小便,父母会是多么自豪。Her first attempts at persuasion entailed kindness and understanding. She explained how proud she and his father would be if he managed to fill the toilet rather than his diaper.

为了不让自己吃到最少的,每人都尽量分得平均,就算不平,也只能认了。大家快快乐乐,和和气气,日子越过越好。To not let oneself eat minimal of, everybody as far as possible cent average, calculate gravamen , also can recognize. Everyone is happy, with friendly spirit, day cross more good.

在公共生活上他满怀激情,但也能和和气气对我这样一个毛头小伙谈论最艰深的话题,而没有一点屈尊俯就的样子。Full of fire as he was in his public life, he could also unbend graciously so as to talk on the most difficult subjects to a stripling like myself without any trace of a patronising tone.

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克罗夫特夫人待她总是和和气气的,使她愉快地感到自己很受喜爱。眼下这次,她在大厦里接待她,更是关怀备至。Mrs Croft always met her with a kindness which gave her the pleasure of fancying herself a favourite, and on the present occasion, receiving her in that house, there was particular attention.