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柳成龙担心军粮不足以补给明军。Yoo sung-ryong worry period is not enough to supply the Ming army.

为筹集军粮,光海君打算向宗亲征收粮食。To raise and commissary, light sea king intends to food to the clan.

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柳成龙设计抓到了偷卖军粮给日军的叛徒。Yoo sung-ryong design caught stealing sells to the Japanese army provisions of a traitor.

他好像力图忘怀过去的生活,只是关心他和军粮官的那个案子。He seemed to be trying to forget that old life, and to be interested only in his quarrel with the commissariat officials.

明洪武三年至弘治五年计120多年间,实行“开中法”以解决边远地区军粮问题。Kaizhong Law war carried out in Ming Dynasty for over 120 years to guarantee the army provisions in the outlying district.

汉代西北边郡军粮支出账簿登记详细,有各种发放粮食的簿籍。The account books of the disbursal of military provisions were detailed with persified put-out account books in Han dynasty.

汉代西北边郡军粮支出账簿登记详细,有各种发放粮食的簿籍。The account books of the disbursal of military provisions were detailed with diversified put-out account books in Han dynasty.

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他常要长途跋涉地远征,吃定量配给的军粮,要风餐露宿,还要面对战争和死亡的威胁。He must undertake long marches while living on army rations, often sleeping on the ground, plus the threat of war and its dangers.

德国人方面,军粮、弹药供应勉强够用,但医疗保障缺乏,炮弹严格限制。For the Germans, rations and ammunition flows were adequate, if barely, but medical supplies were gone, artillery shells were severely limited.

此时的高家庄不但有十余名八路军伤员,并且隐藏着刚刚筹集好的军粮。Right now Gao Jiazhuang not only have wounded person of more than 10 the Eight Route Army, and under cover just raises money good army provisions.

李世民与长孙无忌在黎阳的客栈中,得到了王世充想用朝廷征战高丽的军粮与突厥人做交易的情报。Li shi-mm and President of the mowgli LiYang inn in to get WangShiChong want to use the court in the Korean stores and turks do the deal of information.

后来因军粮缺乏,刘武周军队被李世民率军打败,放弃了太原,和宋金刚北上时被突厥杀死。Later, as a result of a lack of rations, Liu Wuzhou army was defeated Shuai Jun Li Shimin, Taiyuan gave up, and Song Jingang the north were killed by Turks.

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为此,县大队召开了紧急会议,会议商定除掉鬼子内部的汉奸麻富贵,并施行抢回被掠取的军粮行动。Therefore, county brigade, called an emergency meeting, the meeting agreed to remove the traitors in Japanese MaFuGui, and execute saruman seize stores action.

结买、结籴是市易务官吏或由市易务招募商人,承办政府上供采买和购置沿边军粮的制度。Undertaking purchasing and purchasing grain is the system of trade department to buy commodity for upper government and grain for the military in the border areas.

结买、结籴是市易务官吏或由市易务招募商人,承办政府上供采买和购置沿边军粮的制度。Undertaking purchasing and purchasing grain is the system of trade department to buy commodity for upper government and grain for the military in the border ateas.

曹操便让士兵们在不打仗的时候进行耕作,这种“屯田”的办法,不仅解决了军粮,而且使北方社会的经济逐步好转。Between campaigns, Cao Cao made his soldiers cultivate the land to supply themselves with food. This not only solved the army's food supply problem, it also improved the economy in the north.

此前一直抱怨党代会之后没有发生什么政策变化而失望的居民们,听到停止征收军粮米的消息后,都无法掩饰内心的喜悦。Congress had been complaining about what happens after the policy change did not disappoint the people who stopped to hear the news of rice rations imposed, can not conceal the joy of the heart.

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军粮是部队赖以生存的物质基础,军粮供应的好坏直接影响部队的战斗力。The military food supplies are the material foundation on which the troops relies for its existence as the quality of the military food supplies direct may greatly influence the battle effectiveness.

尹相炫议员还指出,朝鲜当局囤积军粮的主要原因是,明年4月份为朝鲜已故领导人金日成诞辰100周年庆典做准备。Yin Xiangjie Mr Hyun also pointed out that North Korea is mainly due to the accumulation of rations, next year in April for the North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, the late 100th anniversary preparation.