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我最恨插队行为了。I really hate queue-jumping.

看到有人插队,你会怎么办?How do you deal with queue-jumpers?

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不要插队,像别人一样排队等候。Don't push in,wait in line like everyone else.

首先是改变“插队者”的数量。The first variation was the number of intruders.

“插队者”会在从他们前面插入队列中。The queue-jumper did their jumping in front of them.

不要提出让你“插队”的要求,尤其是当我已经有预约的时候。Don't ask me to "squeeze" you in when I'm already booked.

连市长作为插队知青于1969年开始了他的职业生涯。Mr Lian started his career in 1969 as a Youth Intellectual.

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马上就有什么插队,变成反潮流。Someone jump the queue at once, I become to go against the tide.

和插队者理论,可能意味着你会失去自己在队列中的位置。Challenging queue-jumpers could mean losing your own place in the line.

根据我的请求,征服者质问了插队者.On my request the conqueror questioned the man who jumped the queue.

不过,交通混乱和插队的情况依然普遍。However, traffic chaos is still commonplace and queue-jumping continues.

最近在附近的一个贫民区里,一个十几岁的男孩就因为插队而被活活打死。In a nearby slum a teenage boy was recently beaten to death for cutting in line.

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或许在那队的人会让你插队,但别太指望了。Maybe someone in the other line will let you jump the queue. But don't count on it.

所有的歌迷都认为如果他们等候多时,插队者的出现会使他们更加郁闷。All fans said they would be more upset by a line pusher if they had been waiting longer.

我十七岁去插队劳动的村子离此不过几里路。The farm I'd been sent to work on when I was in my late teens was just a few miles away.

天秤座的孩子非常注重公平,插队当然是不容许的。Little Librans have an acute sense of fairness and queue-barging is definitely not right!

米尔格拉姆最吸引人的观点是他对于“人们为什么不愿意干涉插队行为”的解释。Milgram's most interesting insights are his attempts to explain why people don't intervene.

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陈清扬当时二十六岁,就在我插队的地方当医生。At the time Chen Qingyang was 26 years old serving as a doctor at the same place as I stayed.

但是,当面临混乱的威胁时,社会规则是不牢固的,比如来了个插队的。But this social order can be fragile when faced with chaotic threats, like that of the queue-jumper.

米尔格拉姆同时使用了两种变式,意在寻找人们在何种条件下会对“插队者”提出抗议。Milgram also used two variations to find out under what conditions people would protest at queue-jumpers.