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但在他温柔的宛然拒绝声中。But with his soft- hearted rejection.

我渴望安稳洋的淡水宛然梦中一样的蓝。I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.

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这里山清水秀,宛然桂林风光。The scenery here has great charm, reminding one of the land of Guilin.

她自己就是个爱美的小姑娘,穿上漂亮的衣服宛然也是一个小公主。She likes sparkly dresses, and when she wears one she is a princess too.

雨花区宛然一幅天然的图画,一个动人的故事,不论是春夏秋冬,这里都展现着不同寻常的风采。Like a natural drawing and a moving story, Yuhua District shows its charisma in all seasons.

由于德国市场情绪在最近大幅上升,德国市场宛然潞傍保持上涨行情。The market appears to go on rising market in Germany, where the mood went up considerably most recently.

两面都已埋到层层叠叠,宛然阔人家里祝寿时的馒头。Both sides were full of rows of tombs, which seemed like a bun used to celebrate birthday in a better-off family.

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他于1931年创办了亦宛然掌中剧团,并将这门传统艺术传授给来自世界各地的学生。He established the I Wan Jan puppetry troupe in 1931 and taught this traditional art to students from all over the world.

我坦然告白埋藏于心中已久的那份情感,但在他温柔的宛然拒绝声中,我认识到我必须坚强。I confessed the feelings that I held inside for so long, But with his soft- hearted rejection, I realize I have to be strong.

小宛然的后场少了传统的锣鼓弦仔,换上了电脑、音响、幻灯机……。"Three parts onstage, seven parts behind. " The traditional drums, gongs, and fiddles have been replaced by advanced sound equipment, a slide projector, and a synthesizer.

其实鱼尾狮还有条长长的尾巴,有鱼尾狮镇守的海滨出口,宛然向西,深入新加坡腹地11公里,这条美丽的大尾巴就是新加坡河。Actually the merlion's got a long tail, have the merlion guard seaside exports, wound to the west, the thorough Singapore hinterland 11 km, a beautiful big tail is Singapore river.

周末假日时,三芝国中「学宛然掌中剧团」的团员还会与游客分享操作戏偶的技巧并示范敲击布袋戏后场的乐器。On weekends, members of the Sanjhih High School Puppet Association share their knowledge of puppetry with tourists and show percussion instruments that are played during the puppet shows.