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今日盘货,停业半天。Closed for half a day for stocktaking.

他决定将他的书店停业。He decided to close out his book store.

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商店和货栈都停业了。The shops and warehouses are all closed.

涉案歌舞厅已被责令停业。The pub has been ordered to suspend business.

这家公司可能要停业南迁。This company will probably pack up and move south.

如果错过了这列绿色列车,你必将停业。You will be out of business if you miss the green train.

去年年底成都土地市场突然停业。Late last year Chengdu’s market was suddenly closed down.

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一次性停产、停业综合补助费如何计算?Cut off one -time, integrated business subsidies calculation?

企业停工、停业期间工资如何支付?How to pay wages during shutdown and shutout of an enterprise?

街道上的那家小工厂由于没有原料而停业了。The small factory on the street closed down for lacking of materials.

出口商的店面因为停业已经用木板封住。Storefronts for exporters that have gone out of business are boarded up.

灾区附近方圆数百公里的地方,餐馆和商店都关门停业了。Hundreds of kilometres from the disaster area, restaurants and shops were shut.

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商店停业,加盟商申请破产,还有销售量的持续下跌。Stores were closed, franchisees filed for bankruptcy and sales continued to fall.

停业清盘后,优良资本化的新银行应当给予进入这个行业。After liquidations well-capitalised new banks should be allowed to enter the sector.

这是2011年2月21日拍摄的希腊北部罗多彼山脉地区停业的工厂。Factories out of business are seen in the Rodopi region, northern Greece, Feb. 21, 2011.

所谓的“建设警察”已经两次拆除楼梯迫使它停业。The so-called "construction police" have twice disabled it by demolishing the staircases.

郭德纲的剧场被暂时停业,他在各大书店的书籍、音像制品也被全部下架。His clubs were temporarily closed and his books and CDs were whisked off bookstore shelves.

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该场所无证照,已被当场停业,案件在进一步处理中。The place or the document has been closed down on the spot, the case for further processing.

“停业销货”可能是顾客可以获得的最大的折扣。The Going-Out-of-Business Sale is, perhaps, the sale where one can get the biggest discounts.

但是这个方案在周日无疾而终,导致雷曼只能被迫停业。But that plan fell apart on Sunday, all but assuring that Lehman would be forced to liquidate.