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“这是一个良性循环”。It’s a virtuous circle.

所以是个良性循环。So that's a virtuous cycle.

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形成一种非良性循环。It forms a non-virtuous circle.

小管状腺瘤本质上常是良性的。Small ones are virtually always benign.

可卡因和安非他明就不那么良性了。Cocaine and amphetamines are less benign.

循环可以是良性的,但如何能成为良性的呢?It can be constructive, but how can that be?"

以致形成良性循环,薄利多销,向规模要效益。So a benign cycle, makes, the scale benefits.

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医生告诉他患的瘤是良性的。The doctor who told him the tumor was benign.

大多数原发性骨肿瘤为良性。The most common primary bone tumors are benign.

良性的卵巢黄体膜囊肿。This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary.

这是一个良性的卵泡膜黄素囊肿。This is a benign theca lutein cyst in an ovary.

光滑,界限清楚的肿块通常是良性的。Smooth, well-demarcated lumps are usually benign.

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荨麻疹是最良性的形式过敏反应。Urticaria is the most benign form of anaphylaxis.

而另外几种形式的B.P.H.就不见得是良性的了。A more severe form of B.P.H. is not always benign.

有可能是良性的“The way into the circle can also be constructive."

所有衬覆上皮似乎细胞学良性。All epithelial lining appears benign cytologically.

良性肝脏疾病仅出现单波图像。Benign liver disease only showed single wave image.

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这种被多加赞扬的良性循环将被打破。The virtuous circle so much praised would be broken.

但是罗津教授有证据来论证这种良性受虐倾向。But he has evidence for what he calls benign masochism.

纵膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤大多是良性病变。Mature teratomas of the mediastinum are benign lesions.