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他打了一下午的瞌睡。He dozed away the afternoon.

让我先打个瞌睡。Let me catch some Z's first.

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他在看电影时打起了瞌睡。He dozed off during the film.

这是一个让人半场瞌睡的比赛。This was a snoozer by halftime.

汤姆抱住了她,两人又瞌睡了一会。Tom held her, and they dozed off.

在一阵阵蛙鸣中,我渐渐地打起了瞌睡。In the waves of frogs, I dozed gradually.

老师正在讲课,爱丽丝打起瞌睡来了。Alice dozed off while her teacher was talking.

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现在感觉又累又瞌睡,眼睛都睁不不开了。I am too tired and sleepy to open my eyes now.

也许是因为瞌睡的工人更缺少警觉。Probably because sleepy workers were less alert.

亚伯拉罕独自思考了一会儿,不久就打起瞌睡来。Left to his reflections Abraham soon grew drowsy.

男孩的妈妈念书给他听时,他打起瞌睡来了。The boy dozed off while his mother was reading to him.

波莉姨妈怀里抱着一只呼呼大睡的猫打着瞌睡。She was half asleep, and she was holding the sleeping cat.

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他们给了我一些苯那君,为的是让我瞌睡,可是不起作用。They gave me some Benadryl to make me drowsy, but it didn't help.

猪小弟还是笑哈哈瞌睡在他的皮革外套里。Only no. 12 little piggy laughingly snoozed in his leather jacket.

而他的学生们全都打着瞌睡,经过一天飞行已经疲乏不堪了。and his students would be asleep, exhausted from the day’s flying.

画面上菲尔在音乐声中打起了瞌睡,克莱尔连忙把他捅醒。We see Phil fall asleep to the music, then Claire elbowing him awake.

那晚他吃得太饱了,心情一放松,就打起了瞌睡。He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he dozed off to sleep.

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我不能想象你怎么早上在外面也要瞌睡。I cannot conceive how you manage to doze out of doors, in the morning.

真糟糕,我打了半小时瞌睡,就接不上电影的情节了。Unfortunately, I slept for half an hour and lost the thread of the movie.

但这并不可以用一奶瓶的咖啡来使瞌睡的婴儿保持清醒。This doesn’t mean you can wake up your sleepy infant with a bottle of latte.