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这是适度而大胆的行动,一锤定音。It is modest and audacious, all at once.

但我们仍然有待找到那颗一锤定音的魔弹。But we have yet to find the magic bullet.

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他们的决定除法院外,是一锤定音的。And their decision is final. Except for court.

您现在做的任何决定都是一锤定音的。Whatever decision you make now is set in stone.

这一切都是可能的,但不会是一锤定音。All of that is possible, but not a slam dunk by any stretch.

那你就等,一直等到你可以为自己想要的价格一锤定音时为止。Wait until you can call the shots of what you want at what price.

这些年轻人都始终保持着沉默,直到最终作决定的时候才一锤定音。These are the quiet young men who listen until it's time to decide.

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而您得到的回复一定就是一锤定音的答案。And when you get an answer, you can be sure that it is the final answer.

老太君一锤定音,“就这么决定了。"Is old too gentleman one pummel bench a sound, " comes to a decision so.

随着拍卖师的一锤定音,人们开始猜测这位神秘的买家究竟是谁。As soon as the hammer fell, speculation began as to who the buyer could be.

在法庭上你只能说有它存在的一些旁证,但没有足以一锤定音的证据。In court you would say there was some circumstantial evidence for it, but no proof.

七是对陪审团的裁决情况一般是一锤定音,因这种裁决的结果受到宪法的保障。Seventh, the verdict of the jury is the final say, since it is protected by the constitution.

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他太晚地认识到“没有任何可以一锤定音的计划”,尤其是当它转变成公共事务的时候。He realized too late that “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects” when it comes to public works.

你的最佳射手决不会在重大比赛中一锤定音,他们把进球都积攒到不重要的比赛中。Your topgoalscorer will never be decisive in big games. He saves up all his goals for unimportant matches.

所以我认为,这是一个很好的步骤,因为这样一锤定音总比接二连三地筹资弄得持股人信心扫地要好。So, I think it is a good move to do it once rather than do it a number of times which could erode shareholder confidence.

马切达下半时的一锤定音帮助曼联在曼彻斯特高级杯上击败了奥尔德海姆。Kiko Macheda's breathtaking second half goal gave United a slender Manchester Senior Cup victory over a spirited Oldham Athletic side.

于是,当女人再次想要重复她那不怀好意的观点时,我妈妈激烈地加以回击,一锤定音。And so when the woman tried to repeat one more time the same vicious argument, my mother used drastic measure in her unappealable manner.

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三分钟后,德国人打进了第四个入球。又是令人影响深刻的穆勒,在反击中一锤定音。Three minutes later it was four, with the impressive Mueller again on the end of a stunning counter attack, this time led by the pace of Ozil.

由于大学录取和奖学金通常取决于一锤定音的考试,容易感到紧张的考试者在这种竞争中常常处于不利的地位。With rewards such as college admissions and scholarships often dependent on one-shot exams, nervous test-takers are at a distinct disadvantage.

睦邻外交战略和两国最高领导人“一锤定音”的高瞻远瞩,在中越北部湾谈判中起了决定性作用。The "Good-Neighbor" diplomatic strategy and the farsightedness of the two countries' highest leaders played a decisive role in the negotiations.