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有才智的人面对广阔无边的宇宙也是一筹莫展。The mind boggles at the infinite universe.

看到这样的事情,金井十分生气,却又一筹莫展。See such things, gold well very angry, but helpless.

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爸爸,我现在一筹莫展,你能帮我解这道数学题吗?。Dad, I'm stuck . Can you help me with this math problem?

对一个母亲来说看到这种状况而一筹莫展是非常艰难的。It is hard as a mom to see this and not be able to fix it.

驿丞和客栈的老板愁得一筹莫展。Posthouse official and the owner of tavern are at a loss what to do.

水泥生产商对于改进水泥基本化学成分一筹莫展。Cement firms see no way to alter the basic chemistry of cement-making.

然而,两年后的今天,波斯基先生却在为如何出售一笔电能而一筹莫展。But two years later, Mr. Polsky has a product he is hard-pressed to sell.

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面对着彗星和棉铃象甲的双重威胁,农场主们都一筹莫展。Between the threats of comet and weevils, the farmers were running low on optimism.

作为自上而下国家驱动发展模式的代表,坦赞铁路亦是一筹莫展。As an example of top-down, state-driven development, the Tazara had also come up short.

对-错期末测验题目让一位学生一筹莫展…,于是决定向空中抛硬币…Flummoxed by his true-false final exam, a student decides to toss a coin up in the air.

因此,我们需要知道为何微软对于WCF框架的资源管理如此一筹莫展。So one has to wonder how Microsoft managed to fail so miserably with the WCF framework.

当我正为这种可能性一筹莫展时,有一天我被召唤到楼上父亲的屋里去。While I was worrying over this possibility I was one day summoned upstairs to my father.

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钱二亲自出面找史密斯也没能取回印版,暗语对不上,大家一筹莫展。Money to find two personally didnt recover the Smith plate, on the role, everybody bewildered.

你现在在做的事情也许使你一筹莫展,学生生活也许会遇到困难。Some of the things you're doing might be on the difficult side. Student life may be getting tough.

斯特普尔的工程师背景让他在应对这种千头万绪的危机时一筹莫展。Nothing in Stempel's engineering background had prepared him for this kind of multi-pronged crisis.

现在,在美国消费者一筹莫展之时,整个世界都将求助的目光投向中国。Now, with the American consumer laid up indefinitely, the world has turned to China to take up the slack.

作为一家在市场上风生水起的大企业,它似乎对危机管理一筹莫展。For a company that's so brilliant at marketing, it seems to have absolutely no clue about crisis management.

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官员们原以为他会为学费问题一筹莫展,又不愿放弃自由民主党的保证。Officials expected that he would agonise over tuition fees and be reluctant to tear up a major Lib Dem pledge.

石教官拿同样看似微小的问题来测验真假苏少卿,但是都一筹莫展。Stone instructor take also appears small problem to test the true and false shao-qing su, but they are helpless.

几个人一筹莫展,雍老板出了个主意,原来反省院的院长是梅兰芳梅先生的戏迷!A few people had, huiyong, the boss is out of an idea, the reflection of director is Mr Mei lanfang mei opera fan!