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这是鹈鹕在水面上猎取鱼类的画面。In this case, the poopers are pelicans.

当你在俄亥俄州非法猎取奖榜级鹿的时候。When you illegally take a trophy deer in Ohio.

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北极熊只能在海面的冰床上猎取食物。Polar bears only hunt from ice platforms at sea.

猎取驯鹿是哥威迅人的生存方法。Hunting caribou is the way of life of the Gwich'in.

他们住在山洞里,猎取野兽,采集果子。They lived in caves, hunted animals and gathered fruit.

他们用长矛或木制曲形飞镖猎取野味。They hunt game with spears or a curved wooden boomerang.

突然,我有了这个想法,去林子里去猎取野兔子。Suddenly I have got the idea, to hunt rabbits in the woods.

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原始社会的人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽。Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.

为获得食物和衣服,他猎取野山羊并将羊皮加工成皮革。For food and clothing he hunts wild goats and tans their hides.

没有发现有松鼠猎取脊椎动物,或者以肉为食。No squirrels are known to hunt vertebrates, or even scavenge meat.

戴安娜加入她的崇拜者一起窥探,追踪,猎取他的猎物。Diana enjoins her worshippers to spy on, track, fall upon his prey.

你虽然猎取我的命,我却没有得罪你。I have not wronged you, but you are hunting me down to take my life.

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减压器补集到的压力会再循环,或叫做“猎取”。If the trapped pressure bleeds off the unloader will cycle, or hunt.

海象食欲极大,几乎一直在猎取食物。Walruses have enormous appetites and hunt for food almost constantly.

正是这种高价导致了猎取鱼翅的行为激增。And it is this high price that has led to the spread of shark finning.

加利福尼亚“午夜猎取者”可能与另外一宗谋杀案有关。California's night stalker killer may be linked to yet another murder.

因此,女人会用性来猎取一个不那么耀眼却胜在专一的伴侣。So, women might use sex to bag a less dazzling but more faithful mate.

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在亚瑟外出猎取食物期间,詹妮总是留在巢中守卫这些刚孵出的雏隼。Jenny was often left to guard the chicks while Arthur searched for food.

虎偏爱白肢野牛,而不喜欢麂,而豹子则不喜欢猎取野猪。Tiger preferred gaur and avoided muntjac, while the leopard avoided wild pig.

猪鼻龟和它们的卵都是当地村民的猎取对象,它们要么被卖掉,要么被吃掉。Both turtle and eggs are collected for trade or consumption by local villagers.