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它是生活烙下的印痕。It is the mark of life.

他给自己的马匹烙上了印痕。He scored on his horses.

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往事如烟,印痕如血!The past, such as blood!

过去在他身上留下了深深的印痕。The past left deep print on him.

过去在他身上留下了深深的印痕。The past left deep prints on him.

齿面接触印痕的检查是用着色法检查。Use chromatic way to check imprints of gear flanks.

印刷良好的书籍有明显而清楚的印痕。The well-printed book has a sharp, clean impression.

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飞机划破蓝空,也在我的记忆中留下印痕。The beautiful mark in the blue sky, as well as in my memory.

接触区尺寸采用印痕法测量。The dimension of contact region is measured by means of stamp method.

印痕用来选择正确的打捞工具以取出落鱼。The impression is used to choose the right fishing tool to remove the fish.

因为他们在雪中留下了天使般的印痕,看来就象大雪给他们插上了双翅。For the impressions left in the snow which appears to give them wings like an angel.

那根长长的红色的线,缠在了脖子上,勒出了血红的印痕,就如你吻过的唇印。The long red line twined round my neck, leaving blood-red marks, just as your kisses.

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三是灰泥和泥质物成岩压实作用,叠加在印痕上。The last one is the diagenesis of limestone and mud, which superimposed on the imprint.

她捧起枕头,端看,好象舍不得抖掉他那脸颊的印痕。She took the pillow up, holding it as if reluctant to shake out the impress of his cheek.

大家好,新年的钟声已经敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。Everybody is good, new year's ding already sounded, the time wheel has left behind deep mark.

他的诗文不仅留下了时代的印痕,而且有开一代风气的筚路蓝缕之功。His poems and essays not only have the clear time mark, but also have established a novel style.

尽管清晰的形状已为人所知,但大多数化石标本只不过是炭质印痕。Most fossil specimens are little more than carbon impressions although distinctive shapes are known.

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然而,王维也毕竟是士大夫阶层中的一员,儒家思想对他有着不可磨灭的印痕。However, being a member of literati and officialdom, he was deeply affected by the ideology of Confucian.

此时粘印到小锥齿轮面上的印痕即为接触印痕。Rotate gear for several rounds, and the imprints left on the small bevel gear surface are touch imprints.

为了探测记忆印痕,哈伯德采用了一种电池驱动的电流计,它有一个指针可调节,连接着两个空罐头盒。To detect engrams, Hubbard adopted a battery-powered galvanometer with a needle dial wired to two empty tin cans.