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她妩媚地瞅他一眼。She ogles to him.

她妩媚地看着他。She ogles at him smiling.

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她是个妩媚动人的女孩。She is an attractive girl.

蒲公英是那样妩媚动人。How lovely the dandelions are.

哪里还有妩媚的春色?Where there is a charming spring?

哇,你不认为她很妩媚动人吗?Wow, don't you think she's foxy ?

如此的轻盈妩媚!So lightsome and ethereal and seductive!

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她那带酒窝的双颊更显得笑容的妩媚。Her dimpled cheeks accentuated her smile.

丹芙妮是位妩媚动人的仙女。Daphne was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.

简出落成一个妩媚迷人的女子。Jane has developed into a charming young lady.

她妩媚地瞅瞅他,两个人蹑手蹑脚进了她的卧房。She ogles at him and they tiptoe to her bedroom.

摘几片绿叶,紧握手间,品一春妩媚。Pick a few leaves, hold hands, a charming spring.

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她身穿一件素缎的旗袍,显得妩媚动人。She wore a white cheongsam, it was very charming.

您亦可搭配同款戒指,打造妩媚动人的时尚风格。Add the matching ring for a trendy, feminine look.

他注视着这位姑娘那妩媚的棕色大眼睛。He pored on the girl's lovely and large brown eyes.

她的玉米色的鬈发妩媚地挂在她的脸上。Her corn-coloured ringlets hung gaily about her face.

扬州是大运河边上一个妩媚华丽的小城。Yangzhou is a little charming city on the Grand Canal.

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她像野猫更爱野猫妩媚的野猫。She like wild cats more love wild cats enchanting wildcats.

卓尔不凡、妩媚动人、性感迷人无疑是不可抵挡的武器。Being remarkable, charming and sexy were formidable weapons.

它实在好过春光里烟柳暗渡的妩媚多情。It is better than the spring tobacco Liuan cross passionate.