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只在焦黑的田野争奇斗艳!Bloom in these darkened fields alone.

两个人为一根焦黑的骨头大打出手。Two women fought over a charred bone.

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悲泣的命运也被它焦黑的双唇衔起。Between its charred lips weeps our destiny.

丹尼的声音回响在焦黑的石壁之间。Dany's voice echoed off the scorched stone walls.

我看到了焦黑的枝条上全是血,那血止不住的流。I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin.

非洲大地的颜色干燥焦黑,像是陶器上的釉彩,有如经火灼烧过。The colours were dry and burnt. like the colours in pottery.

他蹒跚的穿过焦黑的废土,火星和灰烬在他旁环绕。He stumbles through the dark wasteland, sparks and ash swirling around him.

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焦黑的树干倒在地上,仍有余火在这地狱般的景象中燃烧。The trees burned and fallen. Small fires still flicker across a landscape in Hell.

一条电缆掉在他身上且他昏了过去,当他恢复意识时,发现手和右腿全都焦黑了。An electric cable on him and he. When he, he found his hands and right leg were black.

他有灰白头发,严肃的目光,面色焦黑,象个工人,精神沉郁,象个哲学家。He had gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer, the thoughtful visage of a philosopher.

我的双手都被烧得焦黑,左手的皮肤已经脱离了肌肉,挂在手上。I was face down outside the plane, my hands were charred and black, and the skin on my left hand was hanging off.

在司法实践中,如果见到的尸体已严重烧焦,只剩下一副焦黑的骨架子,那就很难断定其背后是否有严重的暴力问题。The question of foul play is most difficult to establish if a body is so badly burned that only a charred skeleton remains.

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格里夫忽略了他的请求,相反他用烛焰点燃了信件看着它变的焦黑、卷曲最后灰飞烟灭。Griff ignored the request. Instead he touched the letter to the candle flame and watched the parchment blacken, curl, and flare up.

此刻屋内已被烧得一片焦黑,家具电器已看不出原来的形状,黑乎乎的融成了一团。At this point the house had been burned a black, furniture appliances do not see the original shape has, darkish became one of Robert's.

她往后甲板上的火盆里丢了些木屑,用把焦黑的刀搅拌了下煤渣,然后就揉起作为早餐饼干的面团。She fed some wood chips to the brazier on the afterdeck, stirred the coals with a blackened blade, and began to knead the dough for the morning biscuits.

镜头溶解至——杰克来到了一个高地的顶部,他身下的森林已被完全摧毁。焦黑的树干倒在地上,仍有余火在这地狱般的景象中燃烧。DISSOLVE -- JAKE reaches the top of a rise. The forest beyond is utterly DEVASTATED. The trees burned and fallen. Small fires still flicker across a landscape in Hell.

嘴唇痛苦地扭曲着,他的头发全部燃尽,熔化的金子流过的部分,无论眉毛或脸颊或是眼睛,无一不焦黑地在冒烟。His mouth was twisted in anguish, his hair was burnt, and his face was black and smoking where the molten gold had run down across his brow and cheeks and into his eyes.

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这个多层亭子由日本建筑师藤森照信与金斯顿大学的学生合作完成,其覆有焦黑的木板、锌和栗木三种材料。Japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori worked with students from Kingston University to create this tiered pavilion, which is clad in pieces of charred timber, zinc and chestnut wood.

想了想,蓝乔抬起头,看向一旁桌面上一盏油灯,油灯中灯芯烧得焦黑,香油快尽。Wanted to think, blue Joe raised brain and see to one side one fuel lamp of table's altitude, the light Xin burns in the fuel lamp scalded black, the scented ointment exert quickly.

街道上积水成片,消防员从街道上搬离了焦黑残破的遗体。六辆烧毁的汽车被堆在了州政府办公室附近。The streets were flooded with water and firefighters pulled charred and mangled bodies off the streets. About six burned-out cars were piled up near the provincial government office.