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反例应用,胜过正教。Counter-example application, than the Orthodox.

陈海是一名英语老师,他正教李先生。Chen Hai is an English teacher. He's teaching Mr Li.

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正教会和雅各派教会也谴责草案。The Orthodox and Jacobite churches have also condemned it.

现在他正教那些没那么幸运的姐姐们读书。Now she's teaching her less fortunate older sisters to read.

请记住我们日本正教信徒的祈祷。Please remember us Japanese orthodox christians in your fervent prayers.

正教不会提及议员乱用他们的开支,因为他们认为贪婪是好事。That isn't to say that MPs fiddled their expenses because they thought greed was good.

诺亚堂可否在犹太正教管理下单独运作?Is it possible for there to be an operating Noahide community under Orthodox Jewish supervision?

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希腊正教禁止为自杀者举行葬礼,除非死者患有精神疾病。The Greek Orthodox Church forbids funeral services for suicides unless the deceased was mentally ill.

那时,约翰·拉威利——丘吉尔的邻居,也是一位有名的画家—正教丘吉尔学画。At that time, John Lavery— a Churchill neighbor and celebrated painter— was tutoring Churchill in his art.

正教通告了三个主要的政党,正教处在他们所谓的“中心地带”。That orthodoxy informed the politics of all three main parties. It lay on what they called "the centre ground".

在结婚前,菲利普放弃了他的王子称号,并将信仰从希腊正教转换为了英国国教。Before the marriage, Philip renounced his Greek and Danish titles and converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism.

郑队正教了郑笠一年,总觉得他什么都好,就是太势力,太现实!Zheng Dui's archimandrite Zheng Li Yi year, forever feel he what all good, is an influence also, too matter-of-fact!

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正教会说罗马天主教从其分裂出去,但天主教则持相反说法。The orthodox church says that the roman catholic separated from her, but the roman catholic church says the opposite.

虽然有些聋人是基督正教教徒,但其他人会转向不同教派寻求支持和友谊。While some of the deaf are Orthodox Christian, others turn to various sects or denominations for support and friendship.

倪柝声虽已逝世三十多年,但他的为人和事工仍然持续影响着中国上百万的更正教基督徒。Watchman Nee died over thirty years ago but his life and work continue to influence millions of Protestant Christians in China.

医学的世界进二宗派,正教和它对手,其它或者补充药的那裂成碎片。The world of medicine has become splintered into two factions, that of orthodoxy and its counterpart, alternative or complementary medicine.

城里还有一个很大的希腊人社区,社区里有一座希腊正教会教堂和一家安哲罗饭馆,离克林顿别克车行仅几步路。There was a large Greek community, which included a Greek Orthodox church and Angelo's, a restaurant just around the corner from Clinton Buick.

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当九月的那个日子世界停止了旋转你会在何处?你正教着那些无辜的孩子们,还是正驾驶在寒冷的州际公路上?Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day? Teaching a class full of innocent children, driving down some cold interstate?

科伦坡教堂里的翁德牧师,原是一个诚笃热心的基督教徒,但是他的顽固脾气和他那种严肃的正教教条,使他的为人变得非常偏执。Pastor Wundt, the shepherd of the Columbus church, was a sincere and ardent Christian, but his bigotry and hard-and-fast orthodoxy made him intolerant.

圣经无误的教义是更正教经院哲学派的发明,或是回应否定性的高等批判学而设定的。WE DENY that inerrancy is a doctrine invented by scholastic Protestantism, or is a reactionary position postulated in response to negative higher criticism.