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其次,由表及里地对公司僵局的形成原因进行分析。Second, it analyzes the causes of corporate deadlock from all aspects.

从涂层到基体出现了由表及里呈衰减趋势的形变现象。The deforming hardened degree attenuated from outside to inner of the coat and base.

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共析层硬度由表及里逐渐降低。The eutectoid layer's micro-hardness from external to internal is gradually decline.

第三,循序渐进,对话要由表及里。Three, follow the sequence and advance gradually, the dialogue want from the form and inside.

发现该硬化层由表及里可分四层,其中第二层显微硬度最高,第四层显微硬度最低。Among them, the second layer has the highest hardness and the hardness of the fourth layer is the minimum.

编辑文化的物质文化层、制度文化层和精神文化层由表及里构成编辑文化的统一体。The cultural components of material, system and spirit in editing culture make up its integrated hierarchy.

论证追本溯源、由表及里、层层推进,深入地辨析李冯侠客形象的特点及其内涵。The argument traces back and analyzes deeply the properties and their connotations of LiFeng's warrior images.

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笔墨技巧首先在于表象,由表及里,求的是精神与气韵。The skill of using brush and ink is firstly materialized in appearance, from appearance to inside, to pursue spirit.

冻融循环侵蚀下混凝土由表及里的胀裂是主要问题,在不同盐溶液,这一问题呈现出不同的表现趋势。The main problem was spalling from surface to interior which appeared different tendency with different salt solution.

由表及里,对十九世纪上海青楼的实际风貌作一种整体观照,并试图揭示这种青楼生活所体现的都市的深层文化特征。This book has a general description of the brothel life in Shanghai and tried to reveal the deep culture features in it.

卡夫卡的作品尤为如此,因此不如欣然接受他的种种规则,由外而内地走近他的戏剧,由表及里地理解他的小说。For Kafka in particular it is fair to agree to his rules, to approach the drama through its externals and the novel through its form.

从工作中走出来可以激发出一些关于如何在你的工作生活中作一些改变的由表及里的积极的思考。From presentations to relationships, getting away from work can spark some positive thoughts about how to make changes in your work life.

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最后从头到尾,梳理几遍,就会有因有果、由浅入深,由表及里,层层入扣。Finally, from start to finish, carding a few times, there will be a result of a fruit, Deep outside to the inside, the layers into the buckle.

据此,将斜坡浅表部应力场由表及里划分为应力降低带、应力增高带及应力波动带。Hereby, the stress field on superficial slope could be divided into regions of stress lowering, rising and fluctuating from the outside to the inside.

真正的感情就应该像树的年轮那样,有时间去雕刻,一圈一圈,深入骨髓,从头至尾,由表及里。True love should be like tree rings, as there is a time to sculpt, a circle a circle, bone marrow, from beginning to end, from the outside to the inside.

整篇论文循着由浅到深、由点到面、由表及里的研究思路和方法对哈尼族服饰图案作了较为系统和完整的研究和论述。The whole article discuss dress patterns of the Hani nationality systematically and from simple to profound, from point to plane, from the surface to the centre.

文章从现象入手,由表及里地论述民族文化产业发展所遇到的各方面问题以及造成这些问题的体制、政策和措施等方面的制约因素。It expounds the problems in every direction from exterior to interior, and demonstrates the confinement factors of system, policy and measures, which causes the problems.

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本文从语言的情感、形象、意蕴、乐感四个方面对朱自清散文语言的诗意美由表及里地展开了论述。In respect of emotion, image, artistic conception and sense of music, this paper expounds the beauty of poetic flavor of language in his prose from surface to inner essence.

“字面、字间、字外”阅读法是一种由表及里,即通过表层、深层至评价层的阅读方法。The method of "reading on, between and beyond the lines" is a kind of reading from the surface to what lies behind, namely, through literal, inferential to critical comprehension.

这部小说随着红字含义的变化记述了海丝特由一个新女性到一个传统女性的演变,这是一个由表及里的渐变过程。The novel, with the changing connotation of the scarlet letter, relates Hester' s evolution from a new woman to a traditional woman, a declining process from external to internal.