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这栋房子已经移转到他太太名下了。This house was transferred to his wife's name.

只有所谓的利用权是可以移转的。Only the so-called exploitation rights are transferrable.

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泰勒先生退休后把他的事业移转给儿子。Mr. Taylor relegated his project to his son after he has retted.

许多人把资金移转到较安全的投资项目上,比如像黄金。Many people are diverting their funds to safe investments, such as gold.

个人汇出款包括赡家汇款、捐赠及其他移转性支付。Figures include household remittance, donation, and other transfer payments.

产业生命周期会影响技术知识移转类型。The industry life cycle will influence the technology transfer ring's antitype.

电子档案如何交换或移转?是否制定相关之标准?When and how do you transfer electronic records? Is there any standard format of transfer?

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它开始了一个能量的移转,将会在七月和十二月被彰显。It begins an energetic shift that will produce manifestation in July and again in December.

这也就是说德国专业技术很快就会移转到俄罗斯,这里的工作之后将遭到削减.That means German expertise will soon be transferred to Russia and jobs will be cut here later.

那晚我们严格的作息时间被扰乱,我们的注意力也移转至真正重要的事。Our demanding routine had been interrupted, and our attention was shifted to what truly matters.

出卖人移转标的物所有权系其应当履行的基本义务。Transferring the ownership of the subject-matter is the basic obligation for seller to performance.

让与担保制度是一种须移转标的物上权利归属的非典型的物的担保制度。The system of alienation guarantee is a untypical guarantee system of transfer of rights of subject matter.

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任何攻角的变化立即移转到刹车控制压力的变化。Any change in the angle of attack immediately transfers into a change in the control pressure of the brakes.

本文采用比较法的方法,就有体动产所有权合同移转模式进行了探讨。By employing a comparative study, the article explores the transfer model of movable property ownership contract.

在这一转让过程中,涉及到企业的债权债务移转、竞业禁止、劳动合同继受等问题。Its content involves obligatory right and debt, prohibitory rules against competition and labor contract as well.

对于在运输途中销售的货物,从订立合同时起,风险就移转到买方承担。The risk in respect of goods sold in transit passes to the buyer from the time of the conclusion of the contract.

用以正式地移转标示于文件内的个人财产权,由供应商至购买者的一种书面文件。A document formally transferring ownership of property specified in the document from the supplier to the purchaser.

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她不太知道究竟她看什么,找什么,但是她把粉光移转到使光线满照在她的身上。She did not know whAT she was looking for, or AT, very definitely, yet she moved the lamp till it shone full on her.

学界对于分期付款买卖中标的物所有权移转的时间各有不同的观点。The academic community has different stand- points on the time of ownership transfer in sale by installment payment.

专利权质权的设定不以移转专利证书的占有为必要。It's not necessary to transfer the possession of letters patent for the creation of the pledge right of patent right.