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他家在古代可是有威望的大姓。In ancient times his family was both large, and reputable.

谢朓,是出身世族大姓、受过良好文化教养、拥有多面才华的人物。Born in a noble family, Xie Tiao was well educated and had super talent.

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一项新的研究表明,“李”并非中国第一大姓,“王”姓出人意料地蟾宫折桂。A new study has debunked the notion that Li is China's most popular surname.

知道吗,中国的大姓多数出过天子。Just so you know, the most popular surnames in China are in fact royal names.

松阳西坑村300余人口,以叶、丁两大姓为主。Songyang West Village more than 300 population, with leaves, Ding two main surname.

最近一次统计表明,姓王的人超过9200万,是中国第一大姓,其次是姓李和姓张,分别达到9100万和8600万。At last count, China’s Wangs were leading with more than 92 million, followed by 91 million Lis and 86 million Zhangs.

北朝时期,胡汉之间通婚频繁,胡人贵族与汉人高门大姓之间尤为明显。In the Northern Dynasty, the Hus and Hans intermarried often, especially among the Hu nobility and leading families of the Han.

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又称“世族”。东汉后期在地主阶级中逐渐形成的大姓豪族。在政治、经济各方面享有特权。士族势力在南北朝时最盛,至唐末消亡。The landlord class of Han nation, the north scholars of Confucian, the Taoist of Quanzhen are the three main powers to save it.

英国最新调查显示,虽然"史密斯"仍是英国第一大姓,但姓"张"、"辛格"等亚洲姓氏的人数正以惊人的速度增加。New research has found that while Smith remains Britain's most popular surname, Asian names such as Zhang and Singh are rapidly catching up.

该国中的高氏是继王室之后的第一大姓,其族人有不少在唐朝政府做官。The Gao family in the state was the second largest one after the royal family. Many Gao family members were officials in the Tang government.

依据碑文的记载,自北魏末年起,刘氏的先祖就居住塞上,进而成为塞北有名的豪族大姓。Inscription based on the record, since the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Liu's ancestors lived stuffed, into the become famous Haozu Saibei surname.

秦朝时期,甘肃地区分布着一些世家大姓,这些望族对后来的甘肃历史具有一定的影响。In period of Qin Dynasty, some families were distributed in the area of Gansu, and these big clans had certain influence on Gansu history later on.

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公安部四月公布的一项全国性调查显示,约85的中国人共有仅100个姓,“王”姓为第一大姓。A nationwide survey released by the MPS in April shows that about 85 percent of the Chinese share only 100 surnames, with Wang being the most popular.

徽州是典型的宗族社会,徽州氏族大姓基本上都由北方中原迁入,大多数均为同宗、同族派衍而出。Huizhou District is a typical clan society. Big clan families in Huizhou mostly moved from central plains. Most of them derived from the same original family.

公元1253年12月13日,忽必烈攻下大理城,没有屠城,当地白族名家大姓有的投诚,有的激烈反抗。On December 13,1253, Kublai Khan besieged and took over Dali Town, with no genocide. Some local dignitary Bai families surrendered and some rebelled violently.

由于大姓的出现,使西南地区形成了以内地政权、大姓、夷帅为主体的三元势力结构。With the emergence of the influential families, southwest China was under the control of three powers, that is, the inland regime, the influential families and the minority chieftains.

此文主要剖析了在汉族门第婚观念的影响下,胡人贵族与汉族高门大姓之间的通婚表现,探讨了胡汉门第通婚在政治与社会文化方面的影响。This paper analyzes the intermarriages under the influence of the ideal of the marriage based on the social status from the Han people and explores how it effected the polity and social culture.