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当你看太阳时,你得眯缝眼看。When you look at the sun, you have to squint at it.

如果错失太阳时你流泪了,那么你也要错过群星了。If you cry for missing the sun , you will miss the stars.

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当你背向太阳时,你只能找到自己的影子。You see but your shadow when you turm your back to the sun.

当我拍太阳时太阳要比这个大很多。When I capture the Sun it always appears and is much larger.

如果错过了太阳时你就流了泪,那么你也要错过群星。You shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stews.

当它们背朝太阳时是观看它们的最佳时刻。The best time to view them is when they are back-lit by the sun.

如果错过了太阳时你流了泪,那末你也要错过群星了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun , you also miss the star!

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如果你错过太阳时流了泪,那么你也哟错过群星了。If you shed tears when you missed the sun, you also miss the stars.

它每隔76年靠近太阳时,变得肉眼可见。It becomes visible to the naked eye every 76 years when it nears the sun.

这些“脏雪球”在冒险接近太阳时会丢出气体和尘埃。These "dirty snowballs" castoff gas and dust whenever they venture near the sun.

如果错过太阳时你流了泪,那么你也要错过群星。If misses the solar time you to burst into tears, then you must miss the group star.

彗星每次接近太阳时,都会将一部分冰和尘埃遗留在彗尾的遗迹中。Comets lose ice and dust each time they come near the sun, leaving behind trails of debris.

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当彗星靠近太阳时,它的冰层融化,释放的气体和尘埃远远地飘向太空。As the comet nears the sun, its ice melts, releasing gas and dust that stream away into space.

当彗星接近太阳时,它表面的冰壳开始融化分解成大大小小的碎片,大多数碎片并不会比沙粒更大。When a comet gets close to the sun, melting ice releases pieces of dust, most no larger than grains of sand.

玉轮行为到太阳和地球之间,并盖住太阳时,就会产生日食。A solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves between the sun and the earth, blocking the sun over part of the earth.

上面显示的那张照片,是在一座建筑物后面窥视太阳时所拍摄的,带有一个22度的日晕弧在围绕着太阳闪耀。Shown above is a photo of the sun peeking from behind a building, with a 22-degree solar halo arc shining around it.

NASA正试图设计当地球拥有两个太阳时,这会很爽,就像电影一样,并且“冒险”。NASA is trying to project that when Earth has dual suns, this will be sexy, like being in the movies, and "adventure".

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绝大部分的日晷显示的都是视太阳时,有些在设计上作了变更,可以显示标准时或是日光节约时间…Most sundial designs indicate apparent solar time. Minor design variations can measure standard and daylight saving time, as well.

当彗星接近太阳时,慧核表面的冰便升华成气体,形成了我们称为“彗发”的雾状结构。As a comet gets closer to the sun, the ice on the surface of the nucleus begins turning into gas, forming a cloud known as the coma.

今年三月份的春分精确时刻,正是美国东部时间星期六下午1时32分,这时从位于地球赤道的某一点上面对太阳时,太阳正好在头顶上方。ET Sept. 23. At that moment, the sun was exactly overhead, as seen from the point on Earth's equator directly facing the sun at that time.