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但是课程的覆盖面十分广泛,But, um, it's very extensive, and

而在南欧,这些社会救助的覆盖面是不完全的。In southern Europe the coverage is patchier.

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第二,它的覆盖面有一些漏洞。Secondly, there are some holes in its coverage.

保密协议比独家报道的覆盖面更加广泛。Embargoes lead to more total coverage than exclusives.

四是资料覆盖面广,可利用性强。Information are four wide-coverage can be used strong.

这使它对提供覆盖面广的服务很有吸引力。This makes it very attractive for providing wide coverage.

反折的覆盖面和阅读只有一个手感舒适。Fold back the cover and read comfortably with just one hand.

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它与多门学科交叉,是一门覆盖面广、应用范围很广的技术。It is a technology that covers a large filed and is widely used.

内置的舒适性和覆盖面的弹性高腰裙。Elastic waist skirt with built-in short for comfort and coverage.

健全社会保障制度,扩大社保覆盖面。Sound social security system, to expand social security coverage.

不仅价格相对低廉,而且覆盖面广。Advertising through the internet has a lower price and wider coverage.

随着时间的推移,测试的数量将增长,覆盖面也会扩大。Over time, the number of tests will increase providing broader coverage.

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中韩自贸协定是个覆盖面很广的自贸协定,对所有的行业都有会影响。China-ROK FTA is a very broad coverage of the FTA, all sectors influenced.

所有加热器的覆盖面方便清洗。All heaters provide a uniform coverage with a convenient, cleanable surface.

有条件现金援助项目提高了医疗服务覆盖面,改善了人们的营养状况。CCTs have led to wider use of health services and better nutritional status.

娱乐的生活,2006年金球奖典礼的红地毯覆盖面。Entertainment's live red carpet coverage of the 2006 Golden Globes ceremony.

例如,在2009年,减少危害规划的覆盖面仍然有限。For example, coverage of harm reduction programmes remained limited in 2009.

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信息实用、覆盖面广、极具实战操作价值。Information and practical, wide coverage, a very real value of the operation.

他说,人们不清楚这些新ZFN测试的覆盖面是否刚刚好。It's unclear, however, just how comprehensive the new ZFN tests are, he said.

中阳民间剪纸覆盖面大,在全县境内均有传承。Zhongyang folk paper-cut and large coverage of the county in both transmission.