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追忆往事的幻想。Of visionary hours.

那都是往事了。That is all history now.

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往事如烟,印痕如血!The past, such as blood!

有多少往事不堪回首?How many Forget the past?

就让往事如烟。Blow away the past as ash.

悲伤的往事令人断肠。The sad past is heartbroken.

当爱已成往事。When love has become the past.

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花开花落的往事已调零已调零。Blossom past has zero has zero.

对未来抱无所谓态度,看破往事,寻求刺激。Indifferent towards the future.

唱的是渺远的不幸的往事For old, unhappy, far-off things

我为什么要提及这些往事?Why do I mention all this stuff?

花开寂寞,往事如梦。Flowers loneliness, past a dream.

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我来告诉你一些往事,Robbie。Let me tell you something, Robbie.

一连串往事掠过他的脑际。Memories flitted through his mind.

而司马樨对前尘往事俱已忘却。But Sima Xi had forgot all the past.

他重温青年时期的往事。He mused over memories of his youth.

还记得那4分钟跑一英里的往事吗?Do you remember the four-minute mile?

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当我现在回首往事时,觉得太悲哀了。It's quite sad now, when I look back.

追忆往事,使他的眼睛都亮了。The recollection brightened his eyes.

回忆往事,你是快乐还是忧伤?Recall the past, are you happy or not?