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——“独步其道,孤行凡间。”We walk our own path, alone.

因为她是坠入凡间的天使。Because she is a Fallen Angel.

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世界是一个凡间,历来如此。It is the simplest thing in the world.

世界是一个凡间,历来如此。There is so much suffering in this world.

荣知道后要求返回凡间。After know earth required to return to glory.

钟东凡间谍案的规模令人吃惊。The scale of Chung's alleged espionage is startling.

赫拉克勒斯是宙斯和一个名叫阿尔克墨涅的凡间女子的私生子。Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Alcmene.

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当人即将死亡时,他对凡间的事务即失去兴趣。When a man is near death he loses interest in mundane affairs.

TA不知道,对于我来说,TA是天使,只是跌落凡间,遇到了我。TA did not know, for me, TA is an angel, but fell mortal, met me.

但是只有圣洁纯粹的意识才能把凡间和天堂相连接。But it is the divine consciousness that connects earth with Heaven.

这些龙趁男人们不在,来到凡间勾引妇女。The dragon came to women to seduce them when their husbands were gone.

夜空一穹碎曜朗星,凡间一地月华霜重。带着最沉痛的爱怨,他们重逢在后宫之中…The night sky a vault telecom lang star, broken earth a heavy cream yuet.

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他们都游离于凡间的情爱之中,都归宿于男人的情怀。They are all dissociating the ordinary love and belong to men's sentiment.

我已学会,除了上帝,你不能相信任何人。什么都不会落入凡间。I have learned that you can't trust anyone but God. Nothing falls from the sky.

如此结合起来的群众称作国家。这个“利维坦”是一个凡间的神。A multitude so united is called a commonwealth. This "Leviathan" is a mortal God.

在我的记忆里,便士是头野兽,然后伤病他把打落凡间。From what I can remember Penny was a beast that was honestly derailed by injuries.

我不知道天上的哪位伙伴将白帆送下凡间来与我的小小纸船竞赛。I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats.

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他当了天使后,仍时常到凡间帮助人,希望感受到幸福的味道。Even as an angel, he still often visited the earth to help others in hope of tasting happiness.

四人到凡间后,为了不被天界发现,不能再用仙术。After 4 people arrive between every, to be not discovered by day group, cannot reoccupy theurgy.

她就如婴儿般,流淌过披着嫁衣的阿尔卑斯山,是滴入凡间的天使。She is like a baby in a wedding gown, flows through the Alps, is dropped into the earthly angel.