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然后,是眼尖的精神病医生看到了飞鸟。Next to spy a bird flying was the sharp-eyed psychiatrist.

由于阵容庞大,拍摄时被眼尖民众「发现」的机率也较高。His large crew frequently caught the eye of sharp-eyed citizens.

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也正是因为如此,眼尖的谭咏麟当场点名让这位粉丝上台做游戏。Seeing this, Alan invited her to come on stage for one of the games.

走着走着,其中一名樵夫眼尖,看到山路上扔着一大捆布,他就和同伴商量。When they were walking home, one of the woodsmen spotted a large bundle of cloth beside the road.

眼尖的读者或许已经注意到我们直接将一个图像描述符添加到操作中。The eagle-eyed reader may have spotted that we supplied an image descriptor directly to the action.

眼尖的人能够发现,在迪斯尼主题公园里已有奥斯瓦尔德的纪念品在售。Oswald already features in Disney merchandise and can be spotted by the eagle-eyed at the theme parks.

眼尖的观众能看出,那条追击冈根潜艇的科洛爪鱼是一位正在保护孩子的母亲。Sharp-eyed viewers will notice that the colo that chases the Gungan sub is a mother protecting its young.

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在她挑选时,眼尖的儿子发现,她拿了两粒黑色鹅卵石放进袋子中。As she picked them up, the sharp-eyed son noticed that she had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag.

眼尖中,你会发现一些有趣的滨江光固化3D打印机见上图。The eagle-eyed among you will notice something interesting about the Riverside Photocuring 3D Printer pictured above.

一些眼尖的,现金富余的公司趁机入手了本公司或其他企业的股票。Some clever, cash-rich companies are taking advantage of an opportunity to buy shares in themselves, or in other companies.

虽然被卡特一顿搅和,李警官已经没有办法抓住凶手了,可是眼尖的他还是看出了一些门道。While Carter a police officer Lee has been disrupting, grab the murderer, but he is also the to have good eyes of some Yue.

眼尖的小猴聪聪最先发现了说明书,大家都围观起来。"Look, here is an instruction. " Sharp-eyed Monkey Congcong is the first to find the instruction. Everyone comes around him.

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柏拉德-罗卡斯先生和它的弟弟麦特正好坐下来吃午餐,他们眼尖的导游就发现这个小动物。Mr Burrard-Lucas and his brother Matt had just settled down for lunch during when their eagle-eyed guide spotted the creature.

如果靠近地球的这颗恒星拥有运行中的行星,眼尖的观察员能够通过放大光亮观测到这些行星的蛛丝马迹。If the nearer star has orbiting planets, keen-eyed observers can spot the subtle clues of their presence in the magnified light.

然后,是眼尖的精神病医生看到了飞鸟。用肩顶住枪托,他比其他人更清楚自己瞄准的猎物是什么。Next to spy a bird flying was the sharp-eyed psychiatrist. Shotgun shouldered, he was more certain of his intended prey's identity.

但一名眼尖的观众怀疑,潘妮洛普其实是戴了假睫毛来夸大产品的增长效果。But a sharp-eyed viewer suspected the actress was wearing false lashes to exaggerate the length of eyelid hair produced by the product.

象征性的费用也将显示持卡人的月结单,其中一个眼尖的家长可能会注意到,即使未经授权的费用最小的。The nominal fee will also show up on the cardholder's monthly statement, where an eagle-eyed parent might notice even the tiniest of unauthorized charges.

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还是黑警长眼尖,一眼就瞧见塔楼门洞里的大门敞开着,吓得他赶紧躲到白警长的身后,不敢露头儿。Sharp-eyed or black sergeant, a doorway on the tower saw the door open, so scared that he hastened to hide behind the white sergeant did not dare Lu Cap'n.

如果这时有人向窗外看,即使是眼尖的德思礼太太,也不会看到马路上发生的一切。Twelve times he clicked the Put-Outer, until the only lights left on the whole street were two tiny pinpricks in the distance, which were the eyes of the cat watching him.

除了安米的那些朋友,没有人注意她的离去,可是眼尖的女生们却发现戴维斯老师那天下午非常仁慈,或者也许是非常和蔼,还有一丝儿局促。No notice was taken of Amy's flight, except by her mates, butthe sharp-eyed demoiselles discovered that Mr. Davis was quitebenignant in the afternoon, also unusually nervous.