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首先是混淆视听的目的和手段。The first is to confuse ends and means.

呵呵,那就是他们嫉妒的时候做的事,混淆视听。Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it.

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某家快餐店猛烈的抨击了该研究,称他是混淆视听。A restaurant trade group slammed the study, calling it misleading.

为什么洛阳总是被人误解,西安能够轻易混淆视听呢?Why is always misunderstood, Luoyang, Xi'an, can easily confuse it?

这绝对是在混淆视听,是假新闻。This is absolutely in promiscuous seeing and hearing, it is false news.

首先,美国财政部必须停止规避责任和混淆视听的做法。First of all, the U.S. Treasury Department must stop fudging and obfuscating.

野鸡大学的名字往往跟某些知名大学很接近,以混淆视听。Name of institution is deceptively similar to well known reputable universities.

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他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.

这确实很难证明适量饮酒能够降低患癌的风险,但却一定能够混淆视听。That hardly proves that moderate drinking cuts the risk of cancer, but it sure muddies the water.

同时注意他们行为的不一致和信息的混淆视听也很重要。It is also important during this time to pay attention to their behavior and note inconsistencies or mixed messages.

让我们考虑一些看起来紧急的事情所具有的一些混淆视听的特征,这些特征通常使得软件开发组织遇到困难。Let's consider some telltale signs of seemingly urgent items that frequently trip software development organizations.

对方的公关部门发布新闻,其实是障眼法,故意要混淆视听。Their PR department made a release that was a deliberate red herring as far as the company's intentions were concerned.

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相反,我的问题是,它是否能够成功地混淆视听,以阻止真正需要的金融改革。The question, instead, is whether it will succeed in confusing the issue sufficiently to stand in the way of real reform.

我承认那些为茱莉娅-列维新片宣传推波助澜的人的确是令人钦佩的大人物,难以认定他们是在故意地混淆视听。And I must admit that the people with whom Mr. Julia-Levy has surrounded himself, are impressive and hard to deny the benefit of the doubt.

如果这份报告被用来防止那些卖食品的自行编制营养标准来混淆视听,那就是有益的。It will be good if used to prevent potentially harmful distortions that arise when the food sellers generate their own nutrition standards.

就在上周,一则公开质疑气候变化和人类工业活动相关的混淆视听的报道出现在英国的报刊中。Last week, a welter of stories that openly doubted any link between climate change and humanity's industrial actions appeared in the British press.

泰国家安全委员会秘书长他汶当天也敦促泰各方不要对此发表评论,因为它可能会混淆视听。Thai National Security Council Secretary-General the same day he also urged Thailand Timor parties not to comment, because it may confuse the public.

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和「擅于社交」等字眼很容易混淆视听的,部分原因是因为内性者通常害羞,而外向者通常善交际。The words have become confused with ideas like shyness and sociability , partially because introverts tend to be shy and extroverts tend to be sociable.

他认为那些反伊斯兰的言论是“混淆视听和令人悲伤的”,是会助长那些挑衅用暴力的反美情绪。He called the anti-Islam statements spawned by the dispute “disturbing and sad” and said they were feeding anti-American sentiment that could provoke violence.

他认为那些反伊斯兰的言论是“混淆视听和令人悲伤的”,是会助长那些挑衅用暴力的反美情绪。Kohlmann said. He called the anti-Islam statements spawned by the dispute “disturbing and sad” and said they were feeding anti-American sentiment that could provoke violence.