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汉语拼音字母对您学习英语字母有什么影响?How Chinese Bopomofo affects your learning of English letters?

汉语拼音字母有手写体和印刷体两种体式。There are two forms of the Chinese phonetic alphabet, the cursive and the printed.

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但是,它是值得花时间来学习如何汉语拼音字母工程,并听起来与他们有联系的。However, it is worth it to spend time learning how the Pinyin alphabet works and the sounds associated with them.

提花部位为拼音字母以及圆形福、寿字样等,象征着吉祥平安。Jacquard part as phonetic alphabet and the words round good fortune, longevity, and symbolizes the auspicious peace.

金九福商标由“金九福”三个汉字及其汉语拼音字母结合演化而成。Jinjiufu trademark is evolved from the combination of three Chinese characters "Jin, Jiu, Fu" and their Chinese phonetic alphabet.

不同的汉字船名有时拼音字母相同,只有加船舶呼号才能区别。Sometimes different Chinese ship with different name has the same phonetic alphabets, only use the ship's call sign could identify them.

学习英语不首先学习国际音标,就像学习汉语不首先学习汉语拼音字母一样,既可笑,又令人难以置信。Learning English without learning English phonetic symbols is just like learning Chinese without learning the Chinese Pin Yin, which is unbelievable and ridiculous.

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第八条企业名称应当使用符合国家规范的汉字,不得使用外国文字、汉语拼音字母、阿拉伯数字。Article 8 Enterprise names shall be in Chinese characters which conform to the norms of the State, may not use foreign words, the Chinese phonetic alphabet or Arabic numbers.

本文指出现行的汉字编码在现实应用中的缺陷,提出编号内码和拼音内码的概念,并首次提出以拼音字母作内码的汉字拼音内码方案。The shortcomings of current Chinese character codes in realistic applications are pointed out. The concepts of internal numbering code and internal pronunciation code are proposed.

拼音字母使用同样的26个英文字母用来标准发音所有的汉字,包括现代简体和繁体字。A2. Pinyin Alphabet Chart is the same 26 English Letter units used to standardize the pronunciation of all Chinese characters, both modern simplified and the ancient complex characters.

改革开放以后,名片在管理人员和干部当中流行起来,名片的正面一般是中文,反面印有英文和拼音字母。After reform. and opening, name cards became common among executives and officials, often with Chinese characters on one side and a mixture of English and pinyin romanized spelling on the other.