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俄罗斯水力发电公司说已经关闭了水电站。RusHydro said the plant had been shut down.

同时,陆地上的主要威胁来自于水力发电。Meanwhile, on land, the threat comes from hydropower.

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水力发电与核能发电的成本差不多是相同的。Hydro power and nuclear power cost about the same amount.

哪一省是加拿大最大的水力发电生产商?Which province is Canada's largest producer of hydro-electricity?

但是水力发电公司,老实说它们对我很不高兴。But hydropower companies—it is fair to say they are not happy with me.

位于巴西的伊太瀑水坝是全世界最大的水力发电场。The Itaipu Dam in Brazil is the world's largest hydroelectric power plant.

事实上,水力发电是人们利用自然力得到能源的最普遍的方式。Hydro-electricity is probably the most used form of energy supplied by nature.

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不丹的水力发电能力和其对游客的吸引是主要的财源。Bhutan"s hydropower potential and its attraction for tourists are key resources.

三峡大坝是世界上最大的治水和水力发电项目。The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest water-control and hydropower project.

在那里,海水的势能被常规水力发电机转化为电能。There, the water is converted into power by conventional hydroelectic generators.

湖南省的水力发电场发电不足容量的三分之一。Hydropower plants in Hunan province are producing less that a third of their capacity.

太阳热影响地球的雨循环并供给现代水力发电机的动力。Solar heat also drives the Earth's rain cycle, powering modern hydroelectric generators.

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具有蓄水能力的水力发电项目可以对系统提供峰期支撑。Hydel power projects, with storage facilities, provide peak time support to the power system.

干旱期延长可能会使给公司提供的原材料和水力发电电力变得紧张。A prolonged drought is likely to strain supply of raw materials and hydro-electricity to firms.

该水库建于上世纪60年代,同时在安加拉河上建有一个巨大的水坝,提供水力发电。It was formed in the 1960s with a huge dam across the Angara River to provide hydroelectric power.

与单纯水力发电工程不同,尼尔基水利枢纽受益部门多达八个。Difference with the simple hydropower project, Nierji water project is benefited department reach 8.

从大坝里流出的水还能发电,叫做水力发电,因为它是利用水力发的电。Water from the dams can make electricity, called hydroelectricity since it is made from water power.

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中国在本国境内的湄公河河道上已经修建了两个用于水力发电的水坝。China already has two hydroelectric dam projects on the part of the waterway that flows through China.

对于能源,我们可能发明利用太阳能、风能、水力发电和其他能源的解决方案。In the case of energy, we may invite solutions to tap solar energy, wind energy, hydropower and other sectors.

落差两公尺,研究使用低水头水力发电机的可行性。About 2 meters height, we are tring to figure out how to use Low Head generator with terraced field. Crazy, right?